People of The Living God


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June 2024







Alfred King

        “VeryWell Mind,” a Psychology website, lists the many phobias (fears) that are common among people in the United States. The site lists various fears from ‘A’ to ‘Z’ consisting of 134 phobias. Of course, no one is plagued by all these fears, but they do affect millions of people and to some degree control their daily lives, some being so overcome with fear that they cannot live a normal life. All of us have some fear and have been fearful under certain circumstances in our lives. Fear can spring up in a moment when least expected. When a flying cockroach lands in your hair, fear is immediate and our terrifying response exhibits that fear.

        I have never been in a place where a mass shooting takes place so I can only imagine the fear that would overtake one if suddenly he were in the middle of such an undesirable and dangerous situation.

        In a mass shooting, most people cower down and attempt to hide or get away as quickly as possible. Others, who might be armed and trained, would want to get in a position where they might be able to stop the slaughter of innocent people by putting the perp down.

        Fear can have different effects upon people depending on the type of phobia and a person’s personal makeup. As stated above there are many fears which plague people and some of the most common are fear of height, fear of water, fear of being confined to a small area, fear of darkness, fear of water, fear of crowds, fear of needles, fear of germs to list just a few. But for the reader’s interest and to see how strange fears work on some people, I list here a few fears listed on “VeryWell Mind” that really boggle my mind: fear of bathing, fear of peanut butter, fear of books, fear of clocks, and fear of knees. Strange as these may sound they apparently exist.

        A good friend recently brought to my attention one fear that is not on the list and this is one that I would like to address; it is alethophobia. This fear is running rampant, and I believe it affects every single person to some degree, yet is not listed on the “VeryWell Mind” website. Alethophobia is “the fear of truth; an unwillingness to come to terms with truth or facts.” (Wikipedia)

        “Alethophobia” means a fear or dislike of the truth. Believing or wanting to believe something and being unwilling or fearful of something that might contradict our beliefs is alethophobic. It is a common condition, and it doesn't mean a lack of knowledge or understanding in general. It means not wanting knowledge or understanding that might contradict beliefs we find more tolerable or pleasing.” (Bartleby Research)

        This is certainly the case in modern culture today. People are afraid to face truth. Not only is the truth of scripture rejected but obvious and irrefutable truths are pushed aside to make room for the ridiculous and preposterous, lies that defy all common sense.

        Let’s consider just a short list of truths to which many are blind:

        Open borders are not dangerous and do not threaten the safety of American citizens or American’s sovereignty.

        Continue to print money, creating currency out of thin air, spend it foolishly and irresponsibly, and expect no repercussions such as inflation, diminishing purchasing power, and an eventual financial collapse.

        Bring millions of foreigners into the country who need to work and expect not to have layoffs of legal citizens.

        Raising taxes on already over-taxed citizens and expecting the economy to grow.

        A corrupt legal system that releases criminals allowing them to commit more crimes. (How unfortunate this is for those who suffer because of released criminals.)

        Thinking that defunding the police and believing citizens will still be safe.

        Forcing woke agendas on the military and expecting people to continue to enlist and with woke enlistment policies expecting to have a strong military.

        Promoting equity (as though it is equality) in our educational institutions. (Today, definitions of words are being changed to fit a woke agenda.)

        Men can be women and compete in women’s sports and can dress in women’s locker rooms. (And this is somehow fair to women and girls.)

        People are no longer confined to the gender to which they were born but can choose the gender they prefer.

        I find no truth in any of these ideologies but a sure and certain destruction of a culture and a way of life. This is hell’s recipe for the destruction of a nation and a people.

Humanity Rejecting Truth And Embracing Lies

        It is shocking today to see how many there are who refuse to face basic and undeniable truths of reality. In the beginning God created male and female (Gen. 1:27). This irrefutable God-created reality is rejected with claims that we can be whatever we want to be. We can become the opposite gender by just declaring it to be so. It is one thing to see some people disillusioned into believing this lie, but what is more concerning is that people who seem intelligent and (I believe they know better) go along with the disillusionment of the confused. Let me just state this as clearly and truthfully as I can: This movement of gender identity is inspired of hell, is a movement in our culture of evil spirit activity and is orchestrated in the bowels of hell. Offensive as this may sound to many, it is the truth. If we do not soon realize this truth and turn from this evil, destruction is America’s destiny.

        When truth is rejected, one begins to live in a world without purpose or without foundation. He launches out into a land of nothingness, where there are no standards, no laws, no structure. Life becomes what one feels it should be and lives a life of lies formed in his own imagination. When truth is rejected, lies become one’s reality. In an article written by James Tapper in the March 5, 2024 issue of “The Guardian,” he writes that after a three-year study, there are some sad results. “One in three 18- to 24-year-olds now report symptoms indicating they have experienced a common mental health problem, such as depression or anxiety disorder, compared with one in four in 2000.” No doubt there are many factors that have brought about this condition. However, rejection of truth is the root problem, not just by Generation Z but by society in general. When we reject truth we accept a lie and all lies come from the father of lies, Satan. (John 8:44)

        What I am trying to express here is that when one rejects truth, he opens himself to the lies and influences of the devil. Satan will lead him down a path of lies that end in destruction. One lie requires a second and then a third and so on. It is so crucial that we walk in the truth and live each day according to God’s word. As God’s word is daily blasphemed and cast aside and claimed to be a book of fairy tales, the more we see lawlessness and anarchy.

        Albert Barnes identifies the problem truth-bearers face today with these words from his Biblical Commentary:

        1) “There is nothing so difficult to be removed from the mind as prejudice in favor of erroneous opinion.”

        2) “Such prejudice will survive the plainest proofs to the contrary.”

        3) “That it will often manifest itself even after all proper means have been taken to subdue it. Erroneous opinions thus maintain a secret ascendency in a man's mind, and are revived by the slightest circumstances, even long after it was supposed that they were overcome, and in the face of the plainest proofs of reason or of Scripture.” (from Barnes' Notes, Electronic Database Copyright © 1997, 2003, 2005, 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)

        This very astute observation by Albert Barnes is addressed to Christians more than to sinners, although it applies to both. While the world hates truth and has a phobia of it, this same malady is found among Christians. I have heard Baptists say, “I’m a dyed in the wool Baptist.” If it were only the Baptists that were dyed in the wool it wouldn’t be so sad, but such is not the case. Most if not all denominations are “dyed in the wool” and don’t want their proverbial apple cart overturned. They would rather continue in error than test their teaching as the Bereans who “received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” (Acts 17:11)

        Many Christians fear any teaching that may oppose what they believe. They fear even to consider another view lest it disrupt their lives in some way. Alethophobia is rampant throughout the land and in the church. No doubt all of us resist to some degree when facing certain life-changing truths. I have read of many Protestant ministers and theologians who state clearly that the seventh day is the Biblical Sabbath and yet refuse to teach it to their congregations or change their day of worship. This is most unfortunate because it stifles one’s walk with God and hinders the church from obtaining the promises and blessings offered through that truth. The Sabbath is just one truth rejected by most of Christianity. There is the baptism of the Holy Spirit promised for God’s people and, yet, most Christians today fear this truth and thereby stifle their spiritual growth. The list can go on and I am certain that every church fears some truths. While we call this monthly publication “The Testimony of Truth” and we put before our readers what we believe to be truth, yet we do not claim to possess all truth. We do endeavor to be open to truth when it is presented to us and as God reveals His truth more fully in His word and through the teaching of the Holy Spirit.

        The prophet Isaiah saw this day and prophesied saying: “And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. (Isa. 59:14). This is the perfect description of modern America; truth is no longer important nor relevant. It’s all about how one feels. Truth has no concern for feelings. Truth is absolute and never changes. God’s word is where all truth can be found, and the truths and principles set forth in God’s word are truths that lead to life eternal.

        One truth that is so vital today and comes directly from the heart of God is the truth that all men are sinners and destined to eternal damnation. God so loved the world and desired to save man from his own destruction, He therefore sent His precious Son, Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners. Jesus came as The Truth and as such to reveal truth to men. He came to die in our place so that we might live by the truth that sets men free. Jesus said, “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”. (John 8:32)  

        The truth that the world needs to see is that Jesus bore our sins on Calvary so that we can be saved and washed clean in His shed blood. When one is born again (born from above) he begins a walk in truth, a truth that will lead him in the paths of righteousness and, as he walks in the truth, all the garbage and lies of Satan and the world will be exposed. Truth will lead one to a life of godliness and will open up to him everlasting life. The only hope for men, our nation, and our world is that we return to God’s ways by repenting and allowing God to govern our lives. May God’s mercy and grace fall upon mankind.






Randall Walton

        We recently received a letter from an anonymous reader who informed us that homosexuality was approved by God. Citing Romans 1:26 and 29 where we find the words, “God gave them up” and “God gave them over,” the writer stated that the Greek for these words means “to grant,” “to bestow,” “to permit,” “to recommend,” “to consecrate,” which, he says, means that Paul was actually saying that God allowed/permitted homosexuality/lesbianism. How is that for perverting the word of God?!

        Strong’s Greek dictionary says that the Greek word used here means: “to surrender, i.e., yield up, intrust, transmit.” This is a far cry from approving, or allowing, or permitting sodomy and bisexuality to be practiced.

        Furthermore, the very context in question denies that God approves of this dreadful and malicious sin.

        “uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts”

        “to dishonor their own bodies between themselves”

        “who changed the truth of God into a lie”

        “worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator”

        “gave them up to vile affections”

        “burned in their lust one toward the other”

        “gave them up to a reprobate mind”

        “to do those things which are not convenient” (not fitting, not proper)

        “filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness”

        “full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents”

        “Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:”

        “who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are WORTHY OF DEATH, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”

        Now that we have noted the full context of Paul’s message, how can a rational person conclude that Paul wrote that God approved/permitted such a devilish practice as described? The same writer said that Paul himself was a homosexual!

        Now, if Romans 1:21-32 is not explicit enough, we need only to read Paul’s statement in I Cor. 6:9,10. “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

        The New King James Version says it this way: “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.”

        The marginal reference for the two underlined words above states that ‘homosexuals’ refers to those submitting to homosexuals, and the ‘sodomites’ are the homosexuals. In actual practice, these may be either or both since they usually change roles in their activities.

        Paul was most adamant in his denunciation of those who descend into such a debased lifestyle. So long as they continue their corrupt practice, they are without “hope, and without God in the world” (Eph. 2:12). This, of course, does not mean they cannot be converted. In I Cor. 6:11 following Paul’s condemnation of the homosexuals, he affirmed that: “And such WERE some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus…

        Let it be firmly understood: there is no such thing as a Christian homosexual; no one can be both. A homosexual is bound for hell and will be cast into hell if he/she doesn’t repent, confess to God, and renounce his former way of life. These religious organizations which are welcoming homosexuals into their ranks as ministers, pastors, preachers/teachers are doing a great disservice to them if they do not require repentance and a cessation of the homosexual practices. The Bible is extremely plain that homosexuals cannot, repeat-cannot inherit the kingdom of God, which is the same as saying they cannot be saved-or be a Christian.

        The only way to help a homosexual is to demand that he/she cease their homosexual activities. It matters not that they make a profession of Christianity, or that they take part in the religious exercises of a denomination. They must be “born again” and turn from their wicked ways. And let us pay attention to Paul’s admonition in I Cor. 5:6: “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump (or loaf).”

        Sin is contagious. Sin is also deceptive and serves to blind the eyes of the sinner to his real condition and need. Sin must be dealt with, both on an individual basis, as well as corporately. Every minister of the gospel is obligated before God to inform the members of the congregation that God does not condone homosexuality. He will not accept it nor the persons involved in it.

        To do otherwise is to compromise the truth and to seal the fate of the transgressor. Such then become partakers of the evil deeds.

        The Lord is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (II Peter 3:9).






J. Grant Swank, Jr.

        The popular Calvinistic teaching of eternal security is colloquially referred to as “once saved, always saved.” That is, one cannot lose one’s salvation once being saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.

        In other words, once one becomes saved, he cannot be “unsaved.” He is locked into salvation/heaven forever, even if he should decide at some point that he does not wish to go to heaven.

        Further, once one is saved, free will ceases, for one then becomes automatically locked into salvation regardless of one’s daily free will choices.

        The above teaching is biblically false.

        Scripture does not teach a “lock-in” of salvation/heaven. Scripture does not teach that free will ceases at the moment of the born again experience. Scripture does not teach that on-going salvation is automatic.

        (Those who oppose Calvinism are referred to as Arminians/Wesleyans in that, Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609) countered Protestant reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) on this point, and English evangelist John Wesley (1703-1791) popularly furthered the Arminian position in a significant way.)

        Eternal security, so-called, is usually supported with corollaries such as “All believers sin in word, thought and deed every day”…” Once born into the family of God, one cannot be unborn out of the family of God”…” Nothing can separate a believer from the love of God, even one’s own sinning lifestyle after being born again.”

        The favorite verse of the eternal security proponents is “and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” (John 10:28).

        Eternal security, so understood by Calvin and propagated by Calvinists, is not according to Scripture; further, it is very dangerous to eternal destinies in that scores of souls have believed it and gone to hell because they continued in a sinning lifestyle while believing they were going to heaven.

        First, eternal security proponents do not understand Scripture’s definition of sin: James 4:17 states that to know good and not do it is sin. Further, I John 3:4, 7-9 states that sin is breaking the laws of God. In addition, this latter passage states that “he who commits sin is of the devil…” Therefore, to “sin in word, thought and deed every day” is not of God but of the devil.

        Understanding the biblical definition of sin, then human foibles, lapses of memory, rough edges of one’s personality, and the need for growth in character and refinement are not sins. They are evidence of our fragile, spiritually fallen mortality—clay, dust, smoke vapors—to use biblical imagery.

        To sin, therefore, is a conscious disobedience of God’s way of life: “to KNOW to do good and to do it not is sin.” Sin is knowable when committed.

        Conscience flags the mind immediately upon temptation in hopes of warding off the committing of sin. Free will then concludes at that point whether to disobey or obey the Spirit’s move upon the conscience. To choose disobedience is to sin; to choose obedience is not to sin.

        In other words, sin is NOT Unknowable. It is NOT Unconscious. It is NOT vague in that we simply slide into it throughout the day without being aware of sinning.

        Therefore, one can be tempted all day long and still not yield to sin. Temptation in itself is not sin; yielding is sin. Jesus was tempted but did not sin. One can, by an act of free will, maintain an obedient lifestyle toward God. When one does do that, one is living out the holiness lifestyle provided by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

        On another point: being born into the family of God is an act of one’s free will. Being born into a biological family is not an act of one’s free will. Therefore, one can activate one’s free will out of the family of God. Being born into the family of God is spiritual, not biological; therefore, the analogy of biological to spiritual at this juncture does not hold up. What is true of biological family is not necessarily true of spiritual family.

        Further, one can activate free-will-not-to-be-separated from the love of God; however, one can also activate one’s free will to be separated from the love of God.

        About no one taking the believer out of the Father’s hand; that is true as long as the believer activates free will to remain in the Father’s hand. Countless persons have withstood unbelievable torture and yet remained true to God. However, one’s own free will can remove one from the Father’s hand. “No man” can take me from the Father’s hand, but I can take myself out of the Father’s hand.

        Countless Scriptures point to the possibility of losing one’s salvation if one so chooses: Ezekiel 18:24-26; Matthew 24:13; Luke 8:11-15; 12:42-46; John 8:51; 15:1-6; Acts 1:25; 14:21-22; Romans 1:18-23, 28, 32; 2:6-8; 6:12, 15-16, 23; 8:6, 12-14; 11:20-22; I Corinthians 9:24; 10:12; 15:1-2; Ephesians 6:13; Colossians 1:21-23; Galatians 1:;6; 5:1, 4; I Thessalonians 3:8; I Timothy 1:18-19; 4:1; 5:11-15; 6:10-12; Hebrews 2:1-3; 4:11, 14-16; 5:8-9; 6:4-6, 11-14;8:9; 10:23, 26-29, 35-39; James 1:12, 14-16; II Peter 1:10; 2:15, 17, 20-22; 3:17-18; I John 2:3-4, 24-25; 3:6-9; 5:11-12; II John 9; Jude 5; Revelation 2:7; 3:5; 16:15; 21:7-8.p>

        Why does eternal security fill churches? Because the holiness lifestyle is the most unpopular concept known to spiritually fallen human beings; therefore, this preaching is not popular and never will be, though it is biblical.

        What are the dangerous results of eternal security teaching?

        Persons continue to sin while professing to be believers, thereby endangering their own eternal destinies because a sinning lifestyle is of the devil and not of God.

        Persons besmirch the clear biblical gospel message.

        God’s call to holiness is negated, for one cannot live in the Spirit’s provision of holiness while at the same time sin in “word, thought and deed every day.”

        Scripture becomes distorted. The biblical passages revealing the falsity of eternal security as popularly taught are not researched, taught, and preached.

        Scores of persons live with a false doctrine which they themselves cannot accept in their inner thoughts but must not publicly refute for fear of being ostracized by eternal security proponents.

        Eternal security proponents fault Arminians by stating that Arminians are forever

        fearful of their state before God; that is, Arminians cannot be sure of their salvation.

        The truth is that Arminians are quite sure of their salvation in knowing that as long as they obey God they are assuredly saved by heaven’s grace. Furthermore, If they do lapse into sin they have an Advocate, Jesus, who is ready to forgive that sin once that believer repents, confesses, and then endeavors to go on with life apart from sin.

        In other words, a believer is eternally secure as long as he is obedient to the heart of God. Such is the true biblical understanding of eternal security. Obedience is the key; obedience flows from free will. Free will then is the major component in deciding one’s eternal destiny as well as one’s present state before God.

        Salvation is not automatic, locked in.

        Salvation is received by faith as God’s gift and then is maintained by activating one’s free will in obedience to the commandments of God.

        “Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12) does not point to an automatic, once-saved-always-saved, free-will-ceasing lifestyle. Instead, it underlines one’s active, alive, accountable daily walk with God.







        Dear Saints,

        To all my Brothers and sisters I greet you in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour.

        My name is James Harrison and I am a death row inmate here in Indiana State Prison. I received your Testimony of Truth some time ago from a dear friend who lives in Murfreesboro, TN. She has sent me a copy each month since and I have really enjoyed reading it. I do not know if you can use some spiritual poetry to publish in The Testimony of Truth, but I am sending you a few that I have written in hopes that you can use them at some point.

        My prayers are with all of you there. May The Lord Bless all of you richly. Phil. 4:19 and Numbers 6:24-26.

        Because of Calvary

        In Christ:

        James P. Harrison



        James P. Harrison


        When things don’t seem to go just right,

        You can’t seem to make ends meet.

        When your mind is full of worries,

        And your heart is full of grief.


        When all your friends have turned you down,

        And there’s no one to turn to.

        Just give your heart to Jesus,

        For He will see you through…


        Just give your heart to Jesus,

        Trust upon His Name.

        He is the same today and forever,

        For Jesus will never change…


        Now I must admit life won’t be easy,

        You’ll find troubles up ahead.

        There may be mountains you can’t climb,

        Situations you seem to dread.


        But don’t give up and never give in,

        For help will surely come.

        For when you give your heart to Jesus,

        Your battle’s already won…


        No matter what the situation,

        You may find yourself within;

        Jesus will be there with you,

        From the beginning to the end…


        So, Just give your heart to Jesus,

        He’s the Truth, The Way, The Life,

        And if you’ll trust in Him, He’ll see you through:

        For Jesus makes everything all right…







Alfred King

        “Over the years there are questions that arise about the state of the dead: According to scripture where are our loved ones when they pass from this life? Why do some Christians believe that those who are born again go to Paradise and those who are not saved go into a state of death (sometimes referred to as a state of sleep or unconsciousness, where they wait for the resurrection)? Is there really life after death?

        “Questions that arise when addressing these points are: Is Paradise heaven where God dwells? What about judgment day when all appear before the Great White Throne to be judged; if believers go to paradise; are they not at that time judged?

        “These and similar questions arise especially when a loved one passes from this life. The remaining family members like to be comforted by feeling their loved one is safe. I hope to address these concerns in the following article that will satisfy our curiosity although, it is foolish to believe that one who has never been born from above, meaning they have never been saved, will be safe either at the time of death or when the resurrection of both believers and sinners takes place at the last day. (John 6:40,44,54; John 12:48)

        “Before I get into the actual topic at hand, I want to stress that I personally do not think that what one believes about the state of the dead is a salvation issue. There are many faithful Christians who have varying opinions of what transpires when one passes from this life. Those opinions do not determine whether one loves God and is pleasing God with their life. Whatever I believe concerning the state of the dead does not affect how I live my life today because we serve God out of hearts of love and appreciation for what God has done for us and not because of our doctrinal position on Abraham’s bosom or hell where there is torment (Luke 16:22-23 which we will consider later in this article.) Believers should not be divided over this topic.

        Where Are The Dead According To Scripture?

        It seems this question is on the minds of many people, for we have this question asked fairly often. Scripture teaches that under the Old Covenant, when men died, their bodies were placed in the grave and their souls fell into a state of unconsciousness, which is generally referred to as soul sleep. It was a state in which the soul was unconscious. There it remained waiting for the resurrection. Let’s consider a few verses of scripture that validate this statement.

        Psalm 6:5, “For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?” Psalm 88:10-12, “Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead? shall the dead arise and praise thee? Selah. Shall thy lovingkindness be declared in the grave? or thy faithfulness in destruction? Shall thy wonders be known in the dark? and thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?” Eccl. 9:10, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”

        To gain a better understanding of this state of unconsciousness or sleep, we need to consider Adam’s sin in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 2:17, God told Adam not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and that in the day he ate thereof, he would surely die. While Adam lived several hundred years after his transgression, he was cut off from the source of life, which is God. His sin separated him from God and, in that separation, his soul died. That very day Adam’s soul died and even though his body lived on for years, it too eventually succumbed to death. Death is the result of sin. There are divine laws in God’s kingdom and these laws are absolute. One of those laws is given in Ezekiel 18:4, “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: *the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” That last phrase is repeated in verse 20 of the same chapter. This is a divine law and is even more sure than the laws that govern our universe. The law of gravity is a law that controls our world. We cannot escape it. Whenever men attempted to fly or send a rocket to the moon, they had to calculate into their plans the law of gravity. Likewise, the laws of God’s kingdom are absolute, meaning that every soul who sins must face death. With this basic foundation, we can proceed to understand better the state of the dead.

        This death that Adam brought upon the world not only affected man’s body but also his soul as we have already seen in the verses quoted above. It is the soul that is most important in our discussion, for it is the soul that will one day spend eternity with God or will be destroyed by everlasting fire. God’s focus and interest is not so much in the bodies but in the souls of men. However, there is another being who is also focused on and interested in the soul and that is Satan, the devil and adversary of God. When Adam sinned, Satan laid claim to his body and soul because Adam had sinned. Sin and death are not part of God’s kingdom but of Satan’s. Adam had carelessly and grievously removed himself from God’s kingdom and sold himself into the slavery of Satan’s dominion, where sin reigned over him. Because of Adam’s actions, when he died he belonged to Satan. Satan had right to his body and his soul.

        (Lest it seem as though Satan had won, let me interject that this was all part of God’s divine plan and is why Jesus told Nicodemus that a man must be born again in order to see or enter the kingdom of God, see John 3:3,7. Keep reading as we look together and see God’s divine plan unfold.)

        Consider now another portion of scripture that brings to light some amazing truths regarding the state of the dead before Jesus came. (I would suggest that you stop here and read I Samuel 28.) Saul was chosen by God to be the first king over Israel and the spirit of the Lord came upon him at the time of his anointing. Over time and to his own demise, Saul became proud and in his pride, he disobeyed God and scripture states that the Spirit of the Lord left him and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him (I Samuel 16:14). Years later when God would no longer speak to him and Samuel had died, Saul sought out a witch to receive information about the outcome of a battle he was facing. In this encounter with the witch of Endor, the witch called Samuel up from the dead.

        Let’s read exactly what took place in I Samuel 28:11-19: “Then said the woman, Whom shall I bring up unto thee? And he said, Bring me up Samuel. And when the woman saw Samuel, she cried with a loud voice: and the woman spake to Saul, saying, Why hast thou deceived me? for thou art Saul. And the king said unto her, Be not afraid: for what sawest thou? And the woman said unto Saul, I saw gods ascending out of the earth. And he said unto her, What form is he of? And she said, An old man cometh up; and he is covered with a mantle. And Saul perceived that it was Samuel, and he stooped with his face to the ground, and bowed himself. And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me up? And Saul answered, I am sore distressed; for the Philistines make war against me, and God is departed from me, and answereth me no more, neither by prophets, nor by dreams: therefore I have called thee, that thou mayest make known unto me what I shall do. Then said Samuel, Wherefore then dost thou ask of me, seeing the Lord is departed from thee, and is become thine enemy? And the Lord hath done to him, as he spake by me: for the Lord hath rent the kingdom out of thine hand, and given it to thy neighbour, even to David: Because thou obeyedst not the voice of the Lord, nor executedst his fierce wrath upon Amalek, therefore hath the Lord done this thing unto thee this day. Moreover the Lord will also deliver Israel with thee into the hand of the Philistines: and to morrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me: the Lord also shall deliver the host of Israel into the hand of the Philistines.” (emphasis mine)

        Some believe it was a familiar spirit that this witch called up and not actually Samuel. This is possible and I wouldn’t get into an argument over it, but I believe this was actually Samuel, not his physical body but his spirit. The reasons are accented in bold print in the verses above. First, Saul told the witch to bring up Samuel. The Bible states, “when the woman saw Samuel.” It says she saw Samuel and was afraid. It doesn’t say she saw a familiar spirit but she saw Samuel. Further on it states that “Saul perceived that it was Samuel.” Not a familiar spirit but Samuel. Then “Samuel said to Saul.” Samuel then gives a true prophesy that was fulfilled the very next day exactly as he prophesied. (You can read the fulfillment of this prophesy in I Samuel 29). It seems clear that scripture states this was actually Samuel and not a familiar spirit. If it were a familiar spirit, it seems scripture would have given some inclination that this was not actually Samuel, but it doesn’t.

        The point in this Biblical account relative to the state of the dead is this: Satan’s kingdom and that realm in which he operates, is a realm of death and he is the one who, before Jesus came, had the power of death. Hebrews 2:14-15: “Foreasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he (Jesus) also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” The writer of Hebrews acknowledges that the devil had the power of death and, because of this power, men were throughout their lives subject to this bondage of death. The important thing here is that we see it was Satan who had the power of death, and because of that power, those who died, even those who were faithful to God, such as Samuel, fell under his power of death. This is very difficult for most Christians to believe but don’t quit reading yet, for we need to see why it is that men of God fell into this state of death. The marvelous thing here is that it was through this very avenue of death that Jesus, God’s only begotten Son, was able to enter the grave and deal with Satan and strip all authority and power from him.

        In Matthew 17 and Mark 9, we have the account of the transfiguration where Jesus was transfigured in the presence of Peter, James, and John. In the transfiguration, there appeared with Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. Elijah we know from scripture did not see death for he was taken up into heaven in a chariot. Although Moses died, Jude informs us that Michael fought for Moses’ body. Jude 9: “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.”

        With this scripture in mind, add to that thought Paul’s words in Rom. 5:12-14: “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come…)” Paul is teaching about Adam’s sin and that the proclivity to sin has been passed upon all men and, consequently, death passed upon all. He is teaching that even before the law was given, sin existed and death was the result.

        By adding Jude’s input to our picture, seeing that Michael disputed with the devil over the body of Moses, let’s ask a couple of questions: Did death end at Moses with the giving of the law? Answer: Obviously not because David understood that the dead are unaware of anything. Had Moses ever sinned? Yes, several times. He killed an Egyptian. He didn’t circumcise his son and the angel of the Lord stood ready to slay Moses or his son (Ex. 4:26, scripture is not clear as to whether God was going to slay Moses or his son). Moses was also not allowed to go into Canaan because he had dishonored God before the people when he struck the rock rather than speaking to it as the Lord had instructed him. So Moses had sinned and Satan had right to his soul just as he had right to Samuel’s. It was when Moses died that there was a break in the reign of death, for Michael fought for Moses’ soul and we find him on the mount of transfiguration with Elijah and Jesus. Death reigned or ruled uninterrupted, with no exceptions until the time of Moses. Death’s reign was interrupted, for Michael fought for Moses. From that time, death continued its unabated reign until Christ Jesus came and changed everything relative to the state of the dead. This explains the reason why Moses was on the Mount of Transfiguration.

        In conclusion regarding the state of the dead under the Old Covenant, we find that all men, with the exception of Enoch, Moses, and Elijah, died and having sinned fell into death’s grip and consequently into Satan’s domain. That means that Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Joshua, David, the prophets, and every godly man and woman fell into this state of death. This is one reason that Hebrews 2:15 states, “And deliver them who through fear of death, were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” Jesus came to destroy Satan’s power over death and deliver His faithful servants from death’s grip.

        Let’s consider it from the perspective of the Old Testament believers. We look back at history from a biblical point of view and we know that Jesus came and died on a cross and we know that we are born again because Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. We have an assurance or an unction that those before the cross did not possess. They had to have faith that the promised Messiah would come. They knew that no matter how many animal sacrifices they offered, the blood of bulls and goats could not take away their sins. They had to offer those sacrifices in faith, trusting God’s promises to be true. If those promises were not true, they would have lived their lives denying themselves, standing against the evils of their days, being ridiculed and persecuted and many of them martyred for their faith in God’s word. They honored God in a way that is difficult for us under the New Covenant to comprehend. They had to have a tremendous faith to live according to all the riggers and demands the laws of Moses required, knowing that when they died they would go into Satan’s realm to wait for the Messiah to come. Their lot was very tough. No matter how faithfully they served God and were obedient to the law, unless the Messiah came and became the sacrificial Lamb of God, which would take away the sin of the world, all their efforts were in vain. These were truly men of faith. We serve God under a better covenant established upon better promises (Heb. 8:6).

        ““Are They In The Grave Or Has Judgment Been Passed Already Over Them, And Some Are Currently In Heaven Or In Hell?”

        “People of the Living God holds a different view of the state of the dead under the New Covenant than most Sabbath keepers. I hope to explain why we do not believe that, under the New Covenant, believers go to a state of sleep but hold the conviction that they go to paradise. It is not our intention to cause division or to be argumentative but rather to bring to the table a different teaching that we feel honors Jesus and His great accomplishments when He came, died, and was resurrected. We feel the doctrine that teaches nothing changed relative to the state of the dead when Jesus died discredits Him, His purpose, and His triumphant resurrection.

        “First, we need to establish biblically the change that took place relative to the state of the dead at the cross. In John 11, we have the account of Lazarus’ death. His sisters had sent for Jesus to come with hope that Jesus would heal him. Jesus, however, procrastinated two days until Lazarus was dead before He went. Even His disciples wondered why He waited. When Jesus arrived at the home of Mary and Martha, they both told Him that they knew that Lazarus would rise at the resurrection. Jesus proclaimed very emphatically that He was the resurrection and the life. Let’s read carefully what Jesus stated, “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? (John 11:25-26)

        “Note the import of His words: “Whosoever liveth,” (those who are born again) “… and believeth in me shall never die.” It is obvious that Christians die physically but they do not die spiritually, for they are like the thief on the cross who believed and was told by Jesus, “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise”. The soul no longer was sent to the grave, because the soul saved by God’s grace was wondrously delivered from Satan’s power over death.

        “The Apostle Paul also stated his desire to be absent from the body, for he said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Read these verses in II Cor. 5:6-8: “Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.”

        “Let’s dissect Paul’s words. While we are in the body, or living on this earth, we are absent from the Lord. A question may arise here about Jesus’ promise to never leave us or forsake us. Paul plainly addresses that question in verse 6. While God is with us, it is not in the same capacity or relationship as it will be once we pass from this life. Paul then states that when we die, we will be with God, not just through faith but in actual reality.

        “The resurrection of Lazarus took place just prior to Jesus’ trial and crucifixion and was timed to teach a very important truth. That truth is that Jesus came to destroy the power of death over those who believe and are born again or born into the kingdom of God. Those born into the kingdom of God cannot be claimed by Satan when they die, for that power was stripped from him at the cross. They have been translated from the kingdom of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son (Col. 1:13). This is just one of the many reasons Jesus shed His precious blood. He died to deliver us from the power and fear of death. Jesus’ resurrection was the proof and evidence that He had triumphed over death; death could not hold Him.

        Another event that took place when Jesus died and was resurrected and which confirms everything written in this article is found in Matthew 27:50-53. Let’s read it, “Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.”

        It is not exactly clear the timing of when the graves were opened, but it sounds as though it was at the time Jesus died. However, verse 53 states it was after His resurrection that the bodies came out of the graves and were seen by many in the city of Jerusalem. The exact timing is not important to our topic here, however, these events reveal to us one of Christ’s great accomplishments and triumphs when He died and was in the grave three days and three nights. It was while He was there that He bound the strong man and loosed the prisoners. Who were the prisoners? They were those who had been faithful under the Old Covenant but, because of sin, were held captive in this state of sleep. These were “saints” that arose, not sinners. This event clearly reveals Christ’s work was and is sufficient to bring in everlasting righteousness and deliver His people from the curse of sin. The curse of sin is death and Jesus came to set His people free from this curse.

        “Has Judgment Been Passed Already Over Them?

        This brings up the question about the judgment. If believers go to paradise and sinners to a state of hell; is this not a judgment? Scripture is clear that we will all be judged at the last day when all appear before the great white throne, before the judgment seat of Christ. Let us address this concern. When a person dies, he is not judged by his works, for the judgment of our works is reserved for the last day. However, he will be observed as to whether he is covered by the blood of Jesus or not. If he is a believer and the blood of Jesus is covering him, he will go to paradise. If he is a sinner, the blood of Jesus will not cover his sins and he goes to a state of hell. If this is called judgment, it is only like calling white, “white” and black, “black”. This is not judgment but rather stating an obvious fact. The fact is one is covered by the blood and the other is not. This is not a judgment of one’s works but rather does the blood of Jesus cover his sins at the time of his death.

        “Is Paradise Heaven? Is It Where God Resides?

        “There are a lot of misconceptions regarding heaven. The apostle Paul gives some information about heaven in II Cor. 12:2-4 in which he refers to the third heaven and in which he equates the third heaven to paradise. “I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.” This man of whom he speaks was caught up into paradise, also called the third heaven. The third heaven and paradise then are the same place.

        “If there is a third heaven, there must also be a first and second heaven. I know nothing in scripture that speaks of the second heaven and don’t actually have any thoughts regarding it. However, the first heaven is the heaven of heavens and is where God the Father resides.

        “Believers who die do not go to the first heaven. They go to the third heaven or paradise. So what is this paradise where Jesus told the thief on the cross He would see him? Let’s go again to scripture to catch a glimpse of this state to which the saved go when they pass from this life. There are some clues given in the following verses that give insight into this wonderful place.

        ““He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God” (Rev 2:7). What we find in this verse is that the tree of life is in the center of paradise. This is a wonderful clue in our study because we find this tree of life mentioned a few other times in scripture. The very first time it is mentioned is in Genesis 2:9, “And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” The Garden of Eden where Adam was placed after creation, is the place we find the tree of life. If we combine these two portions of scripture, we find that paradise and the Garden of Eden are the same place, for in both places we find The tree of life.

        “Now let’s add another verse to these in order to discover more about this place. Rev. 22:2: “In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” Again we find the tree of life in the New Jerusalem. How do we know this verse is referring to the New Jerusalem? The preceding chapter 21, speaks of this city and various aspects of it. Chapter 22 continues referring to the same city. This is clearly shown in chapter 22, verse 14, “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city.” Note this verse speaks of entering in the gates of the city. What city? The New Jerusalem. Most teachings regarding this city are not correct. Once again the devil has been successful in distorting the truth and from that comes false doctrines that lull Christians into a state of slumber and lethargy instead of alerting them to the need to go on to perfection and live in the power of God’s kingdom.

        “So, in conclusion, we believe that Paradise, The Garden of Eden and the New Jerusalem are one and the same. This is where the tree of life is and, although its fruit was once forbidden because of sin and Cherubims with flaming swords were placed there to protect it, there comes a time when those who have been faithful to God will partake of that tree. These are they who keep God’s commandments and they gain the privilege to partake of the tree of life.

        “I hope and pray that the things discussed in this article will make the state of the dead better understood. It’s a great consolation to all believers that when they die they do not have to fear but can be confident that they shall be transported into a better place where they will abide until Jesus comes again. Some of the things presented in this article revolve around other truths in scripture and we all must continue to seek for all truth. Truth is often given in parables, types, and dark speech so that only by the guidance and teaching of the Holy Spirit can one come to a true understanding of God’s word. It is so written that the trifler and curious will not hear the truth but only those who have ears to hear what the Spirit says. Let us all continue to prayerfully study God’s word so we might have a greater understanding of God’s divine plan and thereby enter in through the gates of the city and partake of The Tree of Life.


        “* Man is a three-part creation: spirit, soul, and body. The body needs no explanation, for we all are very conscious of what the body is. The soul and spirit are not so easily distinguished. The spirit is that which makes the body and soul alive. When the spirit of a man leaves the body, the body dies. The soul is the real you; that part that will live on after the body dies. God showed this when He said, “the soul that sinneth shall surely die.” It was Adam’s soul that died the day he partook of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. His body lived on but his soul was cut off from the fellowship with God he had experienced when God walked in the Garden in the cool of the day (Gen. 3:8). The soul is where decisions are made to do good or evil and the soul is the part of our being that will one day go either to heaven or hell. The Bible often refers to the soul as the heart of man.