People of The Living God |
Immediately following the First World War a wave of pessimism swept over the literate world.
Materialism, pessimism, cynicism and skepticism were the four horsemen of those gloomy decades, and they rode forth conquering and to conquer.
The scientists were materialistic, the philosophers skeptical, the novelists and biographers cynical and almost everyone pessimistic. Even the interpreters of prophecy were apprehensive, for they say in the capture of Jerusalem by the British and the rise of the Roman Empire under Mussolini evidence of the nearness of the tribulation days, the coming of Antichrist and the collapse of civilization.
The close of World War II saw a radical change in the religious mood, especially on the part of the masses. It was a complete reversal. Religion came into its own. Faith became once more intellectually respectable and people stopped being ashamed to admit that they believed in God. Evangelicalism and the world wept briefly on each other’s shoulders, kissed, shook hands and became friends. The church discovered that she could use a good many of the world’s ideas, and the world found that religion was a useful technique for achieving desired ends. The ox and the ass, as well as the lion and the lamb, romped together as they had not done since Luther nailed his theses on the door of the church at Wittenberg and launched the Reformation.
Over the last few years the world has gone on to woo the church (about like water woos a duck!) and has won her heart and hand in what seems to be a case of true love. The honeymoon is still on and the church is now the pampered bride of the world. And what a dowry she has brought to her sensuous and drooling lover! An impenitent and unregenerate populace buys religious books by the millions, to the delight of the profit-hungry publishers. Movie stars now write our hymns; the holy name of Christ sounds out from the gaudy jukebox at the corner pool hall, and in all-night stomp sessions, hysterical young people rock and roll to the glory of the Lord.
Today, dark-browed Pessimism has gone out of vogue and her happy and irresponsible sister Optimism has come on to take her place. Christianity is now conceived as fun and the only cross is the one on which Jesus died several hundred years ago. Christ’s yoke is not only easy, it is downright thrilling; His burden is not only light, it is jaunty. The church goes along with everything and stands against nothing – until she is convinced that it is the safe and popular thing to do; then she passes her courageous resolutions and issues her world shaking manifestoes – all in accord with the world’s newest social venture, whatever it may be.
The notion that Christians should always be optimistic and congenial is heresy pure and simple. An ill-founded optimism may, under certain conditions, be extremely harmful. A Christian is not obliged to be either pessimistic or optimistic or glad or sad or positive or negative after a preconceived rule of philosophy. He should (and will if he is Spirit-taught) reflect the will of God in any given situation. His one concern is with God’s will. His one question in any set of circumstances is, “What does God think of this?” To him nothing else matters. What the current popular attitude may be is of no importance to him. He will approve or disapprove altogether as the written Word and the indwelling Spirit indicate. Religious vogues, passing moods or popular notions will affect him not at all. His heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.
This rather rigid attitude will, in a world like ours, quite naturally work against the one who holds it and earn him a reputation as a pessimist. People like the man who agrees with them, even if a day later they change their minds and require him to change his, too. This inconsistency they laugh off as an amiable weakness, and why be so pious about it anyway?
Well, the sons and daughters of eternity care very little about this maypole dance of popular favor. Like the water bird on the shore of the lake at the approach of winter, they feel within them a strong instinct to migrate. They expect before long to take off on a journey, and they’re not coming back soon. So, whether they leave behind them a reputation for pessimism or optimism is of little consequence to them. They are, however, eager to be remembered as children of God and followers of the Lamb. That’s all that matters to them.
Dear family of God and Readers of this magazine: First and always I greet you in the Holy name of Jesus our Creator, for all things were made by Him and for Him. I want to take this opportunity to thank each one of the readers of “The Testimony of Truth” who have contributed to publishing the book that I wrote of my life. I recently received a copy of the book to read through and be certain everything was accurate before it goes to print. This has only been possible by the help of you who have loved God and me enough to get this book completed. It is my hope and prayer that the story of my life will help others avoid the path that I took so they won’t end up in prison. I also pray that it will be made available to prisons to help prisoners who have no hope, find the Hope I found in Jesus Christ. Jesus had revolutionized my life and He has become my Redeemer, my Salvation and my Hope. Thanks to all of you, who have helped me make this book available to help others.
In the beginning was the Word. Think about that thought for a moment, for with God there was no beginning. He is forever. That’s hard to fathom, because our small, limited minds think in beginnings, for with us everything has a beginning and an ending. But “in the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God (John 1:14). “All things were made by Him (The Word) and without Him (The Word) was not anything made that was made. In Him (The Word) was life.” Now. please let me attempt to reveal the Christ of God as God’s son, one with His Father and who His children are.
A king’s son is under tutors and school masters to be taught that they are royalty, but a child doesn’t understand what an inheritance means so as long as he is a child. He has no authority and doesn’t reign supreme. The God of this world, along with the principalities and powers of darkness are sitting on the thrones of the earth, and they are our tutors as long as we are children of this world. But they know that we, who are born from above are royalty, and as sons of God will reign over the earth with a rod of iron. Moses was a type and shadow of God’s authority and power among His sons. While the rod of authority in Moses’ hand was wooden, God promises His people a rod of iron. Iron can break anything. It can’t be broken. Consider the rod in Moses’s hand for a moment. When he stretched out his rod, God’s power came forth and the Red Sea parted. The power created great walls of water creating a pathway for the children of Israel to pass through the sea. When Israel had reached the opposite shore, Moses lowered his rod and the walls collapsed, destroying Pharaoh and the Egyptian armies. God showed His authority and power through Joshua also, for he spoke and the sun stood still. Men of God in the types and shadows era spoke things and by their word, miracles, signs, and wonders occurred.
Solomon wrote in his proverbs that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Pro. 18:21). In Revelation, Jesus is revealed with a powerful two-edged sword coming out of His mouth. No enemy can stand before Him. He portrays in this revelation that all of His sons (sons are male and female) have power in their words. When you get into a battle with evil forces and demons, don’t tell God how powerful the demons are, speak aloud to the demons how powerful your word is because you are speaking God’s word. Praise God aloud in your trials, battles, and temptations, for the Word proclaimed is your victory. Even if you have doubts at first, speak anyway and remember this: the demons aren’t fleeing for your faith or lack thereof; they’re fleeing at the Word, for they cannot overcome the Word. Why? For the word was God! The Word created everything that was created, even the demons. They aren’t gods, they were created. Scripture tells us that God is spirit but as God, He was not created. “No man has seen God at any time, the only begotten of the father who was in the bosom of the father, he has declared him.” Our God spoke forth His Word and said let there be light, etc., and the Word that was in bosom of the Father came forth in power and created the earth and all that we see in the heavens. This Word was always with the Father. All things were created by God’s word and for God. Your word is inside you; your word is you. If your word is not good, you are not good.
You know a man by his word, so you know God by His Word, just as demons know God by His Word. So you must let God’s word abide in you, for Jesus said, “If you abide in me and my word abides in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you”! Isn’t that assurance enough? You must first practice memorizing the scriptures, for its God’s Word that conquers. Paul told the Galatian believers that the word of God is the sword of the Spirit. There are scriptures that are sufficient for every battle or temptation you may find yourself facing, but if you don’t practice with your sword, you will not gain confidence in your sword and you won’t be successful in that battle. God gave us armor with which to fight and with which to be overcomers, and not run from the battle.
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us (Jn. 1:14). The Word was carried by Gabriel to Mary and entered into her womb, and the Word became flesh. God’s Word was wrapped up by flesh and dwelt among us. If you are born of God, you have power to overcome as Christ overcame. The Word of God came as God’s Son to redeem you from your sins and to die in your place as a perfect sacrifice. He alone sits at His Father’s own right hand as our High Priest making intercession for us. Once Phillip asked Jesus to show them God. Jesus told Phillip, “He that hath seen me hath seen the father.” Was Jesus saying that He alone was God? Absolutely not! He was the visible image of God. His nature, His character, and all His expressions were those of the Father. By the works Christ did you could see God the Father being manifested. He was God’s representative or ambassador. Jesus said He did no works by Himself, but what He saw the Father do, that’s what He did. As a Son of God, He laid aside His own will, and as God’s sons we must die to our flesh every day in order that we can come to the place where we can say, as Jesus did, “Not my will, by Thine be done”.
This message I’m writing today simply to ask you to allow the Word to be formed in you, so you can overcome your flesh, the world, and the Devil while still living in this fleshly tabernacle. Jesus truly is coming soon, and all the natural disasters you see, all the violence and rebellion you see, and all the world’s powers you see clashing with each other are signs of the end of this age of darkness. So I’m only encouraging you to learn by memorizing God’s word, for only by God’s Word will we be overcomers. You who are inmates across this great nation reading this magazine surely have noticed that every topic, every article comes straight out of God’s Word because, as men of God, they also started out as you have by learning to do battle with God’s enemy Satan by the word. So I encourage you today to study God’s word, for in it you will find grace, hope and victory and love.
I remain a prisoner of Jesus Christ
Jimmy Windham SCDC #127054
God has always planned to have a people for His own possession and, knowing He would have to deal with a stiff-necked, lukewarm population, created the world into a testing ground to select (choose) only those that are worthy. Besides Satan acting as a roadblock, God Himself has provided a snare or strong delusion to trip up those that have no love of the truth and do not pay much attention to Him or His creation (II Thess. 2:8,12).
The New Testament contains more written about the Kingdom of God and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit/Ghost than any other subject. Yet, the present reality and truth of these are neither given much attention, rather some false but attractive fables about a delayed future 1,000-year physical kingdom which provides for certain people to rule over others.
The truth, even in the time of Apostle Paul, seemed to be elusive. In I Cor. 6:19, he states with incredulous emphasis: “What? Don’t you know your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and you are not your own?”
The real truth to this day, is that our Father has never wanted his people to have an earthly king (Hosea 13:10,11 and John 6:15). He desires to give us a kingdom with Himself as King, ruling within the hearts of His people, in our bodies as temples of His Kingdom, manifest through the Holy Ghost. The kingdom of God and the functioning Holy Ghost in us are one and the same. They are inseparable!
If found worthy, individuals make up the real Church as citizens of the Kingdom of God now, which kingdom will be delivered up to the Father at the end by Jesus Christ (I Cor. 15:24).
There is a special mystery scripture that was hidden from the ages and generations, which is at the heart of the Kingdom of God teaching, and is now available if you are a lover and seeker of the truth of God. Here it is as a priceless pearl: “Christ in you the Hope of Glory” (Col. 1:27).
So, let us follow scriptural logic to see how this flows: You are the temple of the Holy Ghost and His operation in your heart is in reality the Kingdom of God! Jesus was talking to His disciples (John 14:17) and said that He, as the Spirit of Truth, was with them then, but would be in them as His Spirit – the Holy Ghost. In Luke 17:20,21, we find the statement that the Kingdom of God is in you and not visible to the eye.
A direct connection between the Kingdom of God and the Holy Ghost is taught in Rom. 14:17: “The Kingdom of God is righteousness, and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.”
Do you not now see how the Kingdom of God and the Holy Ghost are inseparable? To solidify the above, we are told to first seek the Kingdom of God or Kingdom status (Matt. 6:33). This means to pursue the Kingdom life by allowing the Holy Spirit to direct you in every area of your life. We all know the first step toward this goal is to be born again of the Spirit: to believe Jesus is the Son of the Living God, and by repentance. This step requires a call or drawing from God, but is not the same as being filled with the Spirit/baptized in the Holy Ghost. The baptism and infilling follow being born again and brings the individual into a deeper and more personal relationship to God through the Holy Ghost residing within. It is in this way that the kingdom of God exists today, it exist and is experienced within the heart through the Holy Spirit.
These all-important experiences could happen simultaneously, but more likely will be in sequence, “you shall” in Acts 2:38. Time will vary with different individuals. Let’s illustrate the point by employing the example found in Acts 8:14,17, an account which sounds very much like today, with widespread Bible ignorance. It was told to the apostles that some had been baptized (John’s baptism) after believing in Jesus (born again), but had not yet received the Holy Ghost baptism. Also, in Acts 19:2, even to other new believers the question was asked if they had received the Holy Ghost, since they believed. Just as many would answer today: “We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost!”
Then, what has hindered this God-designed blessing that the Kingdom of God could reside in believing and truth-seeking individuals? Nothing! But, for those that do not love and seek the truth, the Kingdom will be denied. A strong delusion (intensified in these last days) caused by God Himself, sent from Jesus to John in Rev. 20:6 that results in the biggest lie since Adam and Eve. God did not lie, but made it possible/probable that those not loving the truth would manufacture an extremely strong lie as a snare on the earth.
Here is the scripture that contains the potential for an almost unquenchable lie because it is signified (a sign distinct from the form in which it is expressed). It needs to be interpreted from the plain words of God: “They will be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with Him a thousand years.” Correctly interpreted with previous Bible statements it would read: Those born again (from the first death which exists because of Adam’s fall) will be a royal priesthood for a long time – from the first to second coming of Jesus.
But, in place of the truth, a convoluted, manufactured and perverted lie has evolved, claiming that the Kingdom of God has been delayed and will be on the earth with Jesus as a King sitting on a throne in a temple in Jerusalem for one thousand years. Two separate trips will be required for Jesus because of a “secret rapture,” so He will need to go up and down like a yo-yo!
Following the millennium lie has and will have catastrophic results. It could result in missing the real Kingdom of God and the interconnected blessings of being led by the Spirit and finding the real power of God’s kingdom to be an overcomer. Or, maybe worse yet, belief in the beast of Revelation and taking his mark, or worshiping his image. Those snared by this lie will want to go see this beast believing him to be Jesus because of the irresistible signs and wonders. The Bible strictly warns believers of this beast and says, “Do not go!” (Matt. 24:23,26)
In the end, “Temples of the Kingdom” that are worthy and not weeded out (Matt. 13:30 & 25:33) will be delivered up to the Father – His goal (I Cor. 15:24 & Luke 19:21)!
For now, let us continue to taste the good Word of God and the powers of the world to come, knowing that the scepter of the Kingdom is righteousness.
The Godhead has been debated for centuries and has been a point of division among many Christians up to the present day. There are three common ideas among believers regarding the Godhead: 1) Oneness: God, the Father alone is God or Jesus alone is God. 2) There is a duality in the Godhead, those two being the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. 3) There are three included in the Godhead, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and these three are referred to as “The Trinity”. Those who do not include the Holy Spirit in the Godhead, believe the Spirit is an influence which radiates or comes out from God, much like the sun’s rays radiate to the earth and earth reaps its benefits. Likewise, the rays of God’s presence (the spirit) shine down upon man and man is affected by that spirit or influence.
For finite man to think he can fully comprehend God through human intelligence is a big mistake to begin with. However, there are a few things we can understand about God, for He has seen fit to reveal to man that which is essential in order that we might catch a very small glimpse of His majesty, power, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, coupled with His holiness, purity, righteousness, His love, mercy, grace, and all those glorious attributes that make Him Who He is. It is from this glimpse of God that one’s soul is lifted out of the horrible pit of sin, death, and hopelessness and so changes him, that he now desires to be conformed to God’s image. If this transformation were impossible, the hopelessness and despair would remain, but in that magnificent and glorious foretaste of God, though ever so slight, there rises up a strong desire, a yearning to be like Him.
Therefore, men with the various opinions of the Godhead must first realize that human minds are very limited in grasping or comprehending God. Actually, we understand Him more through the Holy Spirit that resides in the hearts of those who believe than intellectually. Consider Job’s words and let us humble ourselves enough to realize that man’s human intelligence cannot possibly comprehend God. “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing. He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them. By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent. Lo, these are parts of his ways: but how little a portion is heard of him? but the thunder of his power who can understand?” (Job 26:7,8,13,14 emphasis mine) “how little a portion is heard of Him?” is the truth that Job came to understand. The Psalmist also wrote of man’s infinite perplexities when endeavoring to understand God. Psalm 139:6: “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.” The Apostle Paul in quoting from Isaiah speaks of the wisdom and knowledge of God in Romans 11:33-34, “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?”
People of the Living God hold to the belief that God exists in three distinct persons, each separate and yet one; simply put, we believe in the Trinity. Our understanding of the Godhead rests solely upon scripture and not by any supernatural manifestation or revelations upon which we might rest our case. We believe every doctrine must be grounded in the word of God, for all other doctrines will surely be swept away in the day of the Lord. Therefore, let us consider prayerfully this important topic.
We are well aware that scripture states in Deuteronomy 6:4, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.” Jesus quotes this verse in Mark 12:29 when asked about the greatest of the commandments. There is no conflict between Trinitarianism and these verses. We believe that God is one, but we see it as three persons in one accord. Jesus prayed in John 17:20-23 that His people would all be one as He and the Father are one. Notice His words closely: “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.” (emphasis mine) There being more than one person in the Godhead is clearly and certainly pointed out in Jesus’ prayer. Jesus was praying to His Father and desiring that the whole body of Christ, the church, would be made one. This, while we may not comprehend it perfectly, reveals to those who seek truth that there is more than one God in the Godhead. These verses and many others have been debated for centuries and will continue until Jesus returns, but let us keep in mind our obvious limitations to understanding God.
Our perception or definition of “God” may be partly where our problem lies in regard to understanding the Godhead. If we think of “God” as one person, then we form our conviction upon that perception. However, if we define “God” as a “Trinity,” then our view or observation of “God” changes. For instance: The United States government is made up of three branches, the executive, the judicial, and the legislative. They are all part of one government. Each branch has specific roles in making the US government. None alone is our government, nor do even two complete our government. It takes all three branches. While this may be a poor illustration in that the U.S. government consists of faulty men and women who are tremendously divided, it provides another aspect which must be included in our definition of “God.” This compels us to re-examine our perception of the word “God” as used in scripture, for it gives greater insight into the Godhead. Let it be clearly understood that the Godhead is not divided as the U.S. government, for it is not made up of carnal men and women. The Godhead consists of three distinct persons who function together in perfect unity, purpose, design, and each have a very special part in Their eternal plan and in all things in earth, in heaven and even in hell. They each have their hand in redeeming mankind. So our definition of God, when referring to the Godhead, is not one single God who is supreme, rather it is a trinity of beings, each divinely God but none alone the complete Godhead. These three have always existed and none were created. They have always existed together in oneness. It is this oneness that God calls His people to possess and which will be a reality when this corruptible puts on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality. Then we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is. What a wonderful day!
The plurality of the Godhead is expressed in the very beginning of Genesis. Gen. 1:26: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:” Notice: “Let US,” and “after OUR likeness.” “Us” and “our” are both plural. I’m sure that all who hold to the Oneness doctrine have heard this brought up many times. However, if we look closely at the Hebrew, we find something truly amazing. All through the first chapter of Genesis concerning creation, the Hebrew word Elohiym is used. Elohiym is plural. “The word used for God in this passage, Elohim, is a plural noun. El means one. Eloah means two. Elohim means three.” (Understanding The Trinity by Peter S. Williams; El is singular, meaning one God. All three of these Hebrew words are translated “God” but each carries with it an important message which throws a different light upon the subject at hand.
The promise of the Holy Spirit to His disciples was assured by Jesus Himself. He stated that the Holy Spirit could not come unless He went away but if He left, He would send the Holy Spirit to the disciples (John 16:7). If the Holy Spirit were merely the influence from God (as many professors teach) what was the necessity of Jesus’ first having to leave? Jesus was an influence while He was here on earth to all those who heard Him and especially to the disciples. The Holy Spirit moved and influenced men of God under the Old Covenant. What, then, is to be different with the coming of the Holy Spirit? Under the Old Covenant, the Holy Spirit came upon men for a particular work or ministry. “holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (II Peter 1:21b). Under the New Covenant, the Holy Spirit came to dwell within man’s heart permanently. He was promised to never leave nor forsake. This was not the case under the Old Covenant. The Holy Spirit came upon people from time to time for a specific work, but He never dwelled permanently with them. Under the Old Covenant, they offered animal sacrifices to atone for their sins, sacrifices which could not truly cleanse them, for the writer of Hebrews tells us that it was not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin. It took the blood of the precious Lamb of God to wash away men’s sins. Those sacrifices were offered in faith and pointed to the true Lamb of God which would take away sin. This cleansing of the temple (our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost) made possible the entrance of the Holy Spirit to enter and abide within every believer’s heart. Jesus states in John 14:21,23 that He and the Father would also come and abide within the hearts of those who would keep His commandments. This presence of God is manifested by or through the Holy Spirit’s abiding presence. “Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his” (Rom. 8:9). The abiding presence of the Holy Spirit is confirmation that a person is born again. This Presence is the third person in the Godhead.
The Holy Spirit speaks: as recorded in Acts 13:2, “As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.” In Acts 5:3, Peter accused Ananias of lying to the Holy Ghost: “But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?” So we see from these scriptures that the Holy Spirit speaks and that He can be lied to. The Holy Spirit is more than an influence; He is God. He speaks, and He can be lied to, and He abides forever with those who are saved. Let us not lessen His importance by referring to Him as only an influence. It is not that we are to worship the Holy Spirit, for Jesus said that He would not speak of Himself but He would reveal Christ to the believer. Many today in Pentecostal and Charismatic circles give more praise and honor to the Holy Spirit than to Christ, and this is not according to biblical truth.
The three in the Godhead all work in perfect harmony in every work that has ever been done through the annals of eternity. They worked together in creation and in the divine plan of redemption. In creation, God the Father was the designer and engineer. Jesus was the creator and the Holy Spirit moved upon the face of the waters. Each had their specific role in creation. In redemption: the Father planned it before the foundation of the world, the Son procured it through His incarnation, death and resurrection, and the Holy Spirit will finish it in the hearts of those who will be taught and lead of Him. One sound in a major chord of music made up of three notes. One atom, made up of three parts. One God (head), made up of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
II Cor. 3:6, “Who (God) also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.”
Do the law of God and the Spirit of God work in opposition, one against the other? Did God make a mistake, giving laws to mankind that were not capable of producing the results that God desired? Did He then rectify the mistake by freely giving to man His Spirit so that man could be a righteous being? What did Paul mean when he said, “The letter killeth but the spirit giveth life”? Is there therapeutic value in keeping the law while feeling disapproval or dislike for the action the law requires? Why did God give the law to men?
When God gave law to His created beings, He was manifesting love for them (Deut. 5:33). The Almighty desired that His people live a full life, enjoying the peace and prosperity that could only be realized by being governed by His laws. It should not be hard to understand that society must have government, must have rules, must be controlled, whether it is a society of national magnitude or a small family. If there are not standards to regulate that society, chaos through anarchy will cause it to destroy itself. Even small groups of savages found in the far reaches of the jungles of the Amazon and New Guinea have regulations and traditions whereby they govern themselves. Only a fool thinks he needs no law; that he should be free to do whatever he feels like doing at the moment. Such a person is a slave to his lustful imaginations: he only thinks he is free.
The law of God reveals to man the will of God. Without the law of God men would not know what God wants done, what He requires of men. The law is like the hedge referred to in Eccl. 10:8; it is designed to keep man in the way of righteousness and when man breaks through the hedge the adder strikes him. Man was created a free moral being having the power of choice, to be master of his destiny, whether it be good or whether it be evil. God could have made beings that were forced to do His will, but that would not have honored Him; neither would it have accomplished the purposes of creation. In love, the Almighty revealed to man His will by giving him the law which expressed His will, so that man could know how to make proper moral choices. These laws relate with that which is morally right and they are not dependent in any way upon man’s feelings, his desires, his traditions or his human reasonings. Moral law declares that which is right in the sight of God, relative to man’s relationship to God as well as man’s relationship to man.
Moral law always did and always will exist. There are no immoral characteristics or tendencies in God, for it is in His nature to do that which is morally right; it is part of His being. These moral characteristics that are the nature of God must also be in the beings that surround Him, that minister before Him, that fellowship with Him, for sin, impurity and imperfection cannot abide in His presence. The beings that will share His glory with Him, that will sit with Him in His throne, will be controlled by moral law. It will be a part of their nature, the divine nature. It will be a sinless nature; that is, one that does not desire to transgress the law. There will be nothing within the nature of the being that can be tempted to transgress against that which is morally right. The carnal nature will be gone, it will be no more; it is a part of this realm, of this world and will end with this world. The Ten Commandments, written by the finger of God on Mount Sinai, are written expressions of moral law. It was necessary for moral law to be written, to be inscribed, before eternal punishment for transgression be administered, just as it was necessary for Jesus to actually die on the cross before eternal life could be realized, could be possessed. There could have been no redemption without His death (See Rom. 5:13-21). In like manner it was necessary that moral law be expressed in writing to men, for the eternal condemnation to be meted out to the ungodly at the judgment spoken of in John 5:28,29 and Matt. 25:31-46. In II Cor. 3:7 Paul speaks of the “ministration of death WRITTEN AND ENGRAVEN in stones,” and in verse 9 he speaks of this as “the ministration of condemnation.” The moral standards expressed in these tables of stone were in existence before Sinai, for Paul says in Rom. 5:13, “Until the law sin was in the world: but sin is NOT IMPUTED (put to account) when there is no law (there not being law). Nevertheless DEATH REIGNED FROM ADAM TO MOSES” even though sin had not been put to the account. Then we find in verse 20 that “The law entered, that the offense might abound.” The offense, the fault, the trespass, the transgression was augmented or increased by the coming of the written law. Sin became exceeding sinful by the commandment (Rom. 7:13). Justice demanded that the law that would condemn man to eternal damnation be written or recorded in the words of man, otherwise it would not have been done, for God does not work haphazardly or without reason.
The moral laws are different from those precepts given by the Lord through Moses concerning Israel’s living conditions and their religious activities. Those laws are known as ceremonial laws and civil laws.
Ceremonial and civil law was given for specific activities and was only given for the length of time that those activities were in force. It dealt with sacrifices and offerings. It controlled the activities of the priests. It regulated the living conditions in the camp of the Israelites. It was the basis for settling legal disputes among the people. It was for the preservation of the blood line until Messiah should come. It was in conjunction with things that were shadows of things to come. It was for a season, not for eternity.
An example of the ceremonial law can be found in connection with the Passover lamb. This lamb, according to the law, was to be without blemish, a male of the first year, and it was to be removed from the flock and put up until a certain time of a certain day, then it was to be slain. The blood of the lamb was to be put over and on the sides of the door of the house and the lamb was to be cooked and eaten in a certain way. This lamb pointed down through the centuries to Jesus, the Lamb of God, and when He was come and had been slain the ceremony that prefigured Him was no longer needed. It was annulled; it was abolished. When the ceremonial law was changed or annulled the ministry of the Holy Spirit was changed, also.
Before the death of Jesus, the Holy Spirit was in the world and ministered to men, but not in the degree that He ministers today. Men of God were moved by the Holy Ghost, they were inspired by the Holy Ghost, they were filled with the Holy Ghost to accomplish a specific act, but the Holy Ghost did not dwell within them. He was not there to stay, to abide, to be within them night and day. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be IN His disciples. He said, “He dwelleth with you and shall be in you” (John 14:17). After the cross, the Holy Spirit took up His abode within the heart of the believer and ministered to him in a greater degree than He could before the sin question was actually dealt with. The believer was given special help in serving God, and the presence of the Holy Spirit within moved heaven to account to him the true righteousness. His abiding presence within man ministered life to that individual, for he had passed from death unto life.
God’s free gift of the Holy Spirit to man did not supersede or annul moral law. THE LAW WAS NOT WEAK! Paul did not say the law was weak – period! In Rom. 8:3 Paul said, “What the law COULD NOT DO, in that it was weak THROUGH THE FLESH.” The flesh was the trouble. Heb. 7:19 tells us that “The law made nothing perfect.” It is not possible to legislate righteousness or to bring man into perfection by law alone. THE LAW CONVERTS THE SOUL! Jesus said that heaven and earth would pass away but HIS WORDS (which are law) WOULD NEVER PASS AWAY! The law was not weak and the Holy Spirit strong. Both are necessary, both are given of God, both are needed for the complete plan of God to be effective.
Man is converted, his nature is changed, as he obeys the law. Entrance into the kingdom is dependent upon the deliberate act of the will of man when he obeys the command to repent (Matt. 4:17) and be born again (John 3:3,5). The Holy Spirit does not convert the soul. He is here to convict the world of sin (John 16:8). He labors to convince man of his need to walk in obedience to God that he may have right to the tree of life. He points out the commands of Jesus to man; He is a teacher (John 14:26). But He will not force man to obey; man must, of his own free will, submit to the demands of the law if he desires to be changed in his nature. So, the law condemns man to death and the Holy Spirit teaches man the way to life. BOTH are necessary.
Keeping the commands of Jesus is a deliberate act of the will of man. God does not force man to obey His laws. When man obeys the commands of Jesus, something is accomplished within his being that nothing else can accomplish. Even though man cannot see justice in the requirement of the law, even if he dislikes doing what God has required of him, good is the result of the act of obedience. The man may not recognize the good, he may not feel any different but HIS SOUL HAS BEEN CHANGED FOR GOOD. Unsaved people have turned from evil practices and have begun to express moral goodness, such as benevolent acts of mercy, and this has changed their natures; their attitudes improve, but THIS WILL NOT GIVE THEM LIFE! They must have the Spirit of Christ within or they are spiritually dead.
There are three places in Paul’s writings where he refers to the letter and the spirit. Some people feel that this means that if one keeps the LETTER of the law but not the SPIRIT of the law, that it ministers death to his being. It is unprofitable. It is thought that keeping the letter is what the Pharisees did in all their ritualistic service. The idea is set forth that their hearts were not in it and so it was merely a form that they practiced and was not acceptable to God. It should be noted that Jesus did not rebuke anyone for keeping THE LAW OF GOD in any manner. He rebuked them for supplanting or ignoring the law of God in favor of THEIR TRADITIONS. Commandments and traditions of men, even if instituted by Paul or any other godly man, carry no weight in heaven. God will judge man on the basis of what man does in respect to the demands of the laws of God (John 12:48; II Thess. 1:8; Matt. 7:21; etc.). Man is not capable of devising righteous precepts (Isa. 55:8,9; Jer. 10:23).
In Romans the second chapter, Paul is soundly rebuking the Judaizers for their condemnation of the uncircumcised Gentiles in the church. The Judaizers were constantly pressing for the newly converted Gentiles to be circumcised in their flesh as an act of righteousness. In the seventeenth chapter of Genesis, we read of the covenant that God made with Abraham, and it should be noted that the covenant that God made was NOT that Abraham and his descendants be circumcised in their flesh, but the covenant was that GOD WOULD BE GOD UNTO THEM (verse 7). The circumcision of the flesh was to be FOR A TOKEN OF THE COVENANT (Gen. 17:11). Paul said that Abraham “received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of faith” (Rom. 4:11). Circumcision of the flesh was to be a characteristic mark or indication of a heart condition…that God WAS THEIR GOD. He was God, Ruler, Master of their lives. Deut. 30:6 speaks of the circumcision of the heart, “to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul.” In Gen. 17:7 God told Abraham that this was to be an EVERLASTING COVENANT.
God’s part in this covenant was that, “In thee shall all nation be blessed” (Gal. 3:8), and that the promised seed would possess the land forever. The blood descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob did not possess the land forever even though Abraham kept his part of the covenant. Did God fail Abraham? Of course not! Paul tells us in Gal. 3:16 that the promised seed was Christ and in the next three verses he plainly teaches that the law was added “till the seed should come.” Was he referring to the moral law of the Ten Commandments? Of course not. It was wrong to have other gods, to worship idols, long before Abraham was born. It was wrong to murder in the days of Cain the son of Adam. The law that was added 430 years after Abraham was not the moral law of the Ten Commandments but the Civil law that was given for the preservation of the bloodline until Christ came. Then it was no longer needed.
Abraham did not desire a material fulfillment of the covenant. That was not his goal. In Heb. 11:9-16 an astounding declaration is made concerning Abraham. We find that Abraham, “sojourned in the land of promise as in A STRANGE COUNTRY” (verse 9). “For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose BUILDER AND MAKER IS GOD” (verse 10). “These all died in faith, NOT HAVING RECEIVED THE PROMISE…and confessed that they were STRANGERS AND PILGRIMS ON EARTH” (verse 13). “For they that say such things declare plainly that they SEEK A COUNTRY, that is, an HEAVENLY: wherefore God is not ashamed TO BE CALLED THEIR GOD: for he hath prepared for them A CITY” (verse 16).
It was the kingdom of heaven that would be made accessible to man that Abraham looked for. Jesus said, “Abraham rejoiced to see my day” (John 8:56). Abraham was aware of the true provisions of the covenant; it was revealed to him and he rejoiced in the revelation. The promised seed was the Messiah and those that are Christ’s: these are “Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Gal. 3:29). They have the true circumcision; the circumcision of the heart. In Rom. 2:28,29, Paul shows very plainly that it is not CIRCUMCISION of the flesh that God wants, it is circumcision of the heart. Men are to make the Lord THEIR GOD. He is to rule their lives. He is to be their King. This is true circumcision. This is the everlasting covenant. This is what Paul is saying in Rom. 2:29 when he states that, “Circumcision is that of the heart, IN THE SPIRIT, and not IN THE LETTER.”
Paul then continues in Romans, teaching about sin, faith, justification, righteousness and then, once again, in Romans 7:6, he touches on the letter and the spirit, saying “Now we are delivered from the law, that being dead (or, being dead to that) wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.” IF Paul was teaching that the law is now dead and men no longer need to obey its demands then he is in gross error, for the Lord Jesus, who gave the law, declared plainly that obedience to the law was absolutely essential. The law did not die; IT WAS MAGNIFIED. In the previous verse (Rom. 7:5) Paul says, “When we were in the flesh,” sins “by the law” brought death. But NOW we are delivered from the sins of the law, which brought death to us, by the Spirit of life within us and we are to walk in this new life. “Therefore, we are buried with Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk IN NEWNESS OF LIFE” (Rom. 6:4). “Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth WE SHOULD NOT SERVE SIN (Rom. 6:6). “For he that is dead is FREED FROM SIN” (Rom. 6:7).
“Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:11). “There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION to them which ARE IN CHRIST JESUS, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS hath made me free from the LAW OF SIN AND DEATH” (Rom. 8:1,2). “But YE ARE NOT IN THE FLESH BUT IN THE SPIRIT if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you” (Rom. 8:9). These scriptures certainly prove that Paul did not teach that we should “keep the spirit of the law” but that the presence of the Spirit of God within gave life to the individual and, therefore, SIN DID NOT HAVE DOMINION OVER HIM!
In II Cor. 3:6-9 Paul states that God had made them, “able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the Spirit: for the letter killeth but the Spirit giveth life.” Was Paul saying that keeping the commands of the Lord without the proper attitude was death? Is “turning the other cheek” without having a benevolent feeling unacceptable to God?
Let us consider a few facts from the Scriptures. “Sin is the transgression of the law” (I John 3:4). If there were no law there would be no sin and man would not have need of redemption. Law carries a penalty for violation. The penalty is death. Since all men are guilty of sin then all men are doomed to die. If a man became a perfect law-abiding individual, he would not be free from the guilt and sentence of punishment for previous violations. God made provision for man to be free from the sentence of death that hangs over him, but He also made conditions or requirements that must be met in order to obtain this forgiveness of guilt. He must change. He must make God the God of his life. He must circumcise his heart. Then God will forgive him and the Holy Spirit will make His abode within him. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Life. Without His indwelling, man would not have life, even though he keeps the commandments, for in I John 5:11,12 we read, “He that hath the Son, hath life; and he that hath not the Son hath not life.” If man deliberately transgresses the law, he dies. The Holy Spirit leaves him. “If we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins” (Heb. 10:26; Matt. 6:23; Luke 11:35). If the man is tricked into sin or transgresses unwittingly, sin is not imputed unto him because of his intention and the presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling within him. “If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (I John 1:7).
Paul taught in I Cor. 13 that man could have supernatural power and do many good works, but if the Spirit of Christ (Charity) was not within he was lifeless; he amounted to nothing. In Rom. 8 he said, “If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.” In the same chapter he said, “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” What could be plainer than that? Also, “Ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.”
Neither Jesus nor any of the apostles, including Paul, made any statements about “the spirit of the law” or “keeping the law in the spirit.” Jesus did not say, “If ye love me, keep my commandments in the spirit.”
Jesus said, “If a man love me he will keep my words;” then He added, “And my father will love him, and we will come unto him and MAKE OUR ABODE WITH HIM” (John 14:23). He said that if they kept His commandments He would send them the Comforter (John 14:15,16). He said that the one that had and kept His commandments was the one that loved Him, and that person would be loved of the Father and the Son, and He (the Son) would manifest Himself to him (John 14:21). Jesus did not even suggest that the “spirit of the thing be done” or it would not be accepted. Neither did the apostles. Take note in the above verses that Jesus defined love for Him as acts of obedience to His words, not a feeling within the heart. Such things as making a profession or giving lip service to God carries no weight in heaven, but what one does by way of action counts for righteousness; the righteousness of Jesus. “Little children, LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU: he that DOETH righteousness, IS righteous, even as He is righteous” (I John 3:7).
What, then, is the sum of these matters? We find that God gave to man His law which is holy, just and good (Rom. 7:12). The law is spiritual (Rom. 7:14) and glorious (II Cor. 3:7). It is powerful, for it prescribes the death penalty for all who violate its precepts (Rom. 5:12; 7:5). But, the law in itself does not give life (Gal. 3:21). If it did, then Jesus’ death was not necessary. So, the written law, the letter, ministered death; it killed.
Since sin is the transgression of the law and all that sin are under the sentence of eternal death then all must die, for all are sinners. But God made provision for man to be freed from the death penalty and receive newness of life, by giving His only begotten Son, who, being sinless, could take the penalty for man’s transgressions and by the sacrifice of Himself and His resurrection make provision for man to walk in newness of life. The Spirit of Life dwelling in the heart of the true believer gives life to the person that desires to truly make God the Lord of his life, to rule in his heart. Because of his intention and effort to walk in obedience to his God, sins that he may commit, transgressions that he may make are not accounted to him; they do not bring the death sentence upon him because he has been bought by the Lord and redeemed from the curse of the law! The death sentence was removed from him and he was set free from the law of sin and death.
This is a legal standing that the saint has. Actually, he transgresses the law at times but because he has life within him and he walks in the light, the blood of Jesus cleanses him from all sin (I John 1:7). He is accounted guiltless. He is justified (Rom. 5:9). He is a righteous man in the eyes of heaven because he practices obedience to the law of God; he does not practice sin or yield himself to serve the desires of the flesh. He is not perfect but because of his efforts to preserve his covenant relationship with God he is accounted righteous and he “Shall not come into condemnation, but IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE” (John 5:24). This is the covenant that Paul ministered (II Cor. 3:6).
But the presence of the Spirit of Life within does not remove the obligation of obedience to law. The continued presence of life within the man is dependent on his walking in the light. He must keep the commandments. His attitude or his feelings about the matter do not enter into it.
Under the new covenant the law is written in the heart (Hebrews 8:10). It is the same law that was written on tables of stone but it is MAGNIFIED (Isaiah 42:21). Obedience to these laws is still a deliberate act of the will. Jesus said, “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: but I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already, in his heart” (Matt. 5:27,28). This is the same law, the seventh commandment, but it has been magnified. It was sin to engage in the act. Now it is sin to entertain such desirous thoughts. It is still an act of the will. It is the lust that is sinful. Do not feed lust. With some, obedience to this command may take conscious effort and great perseverance, especially if they have broken through the hedge when they walked in the flesh.
Obedience to law or law observance will avail nothing eternally, apart from the presence of the Spirit of Life within the individual. There are some who observe the seventh-day sabbath, but there is no Christ in their lives; they have not been born again, so they are still dead in trespasses and sins. A man without God in his life is like a body without life. Curative medicines may be pumped into a dead body but there will be no change in the body. But the sick body that has life in it will be affected by the application of good medicine. The person may not like the medicine, he may find it distasteful, but the effect will be the same as if he relished it.
The letter killeth: deliberate violation of the letter of the law brings the sentence of death upon the violator. The Spirit giveth life: life is in the individual as long as he has been born again and endeavors to obey the commands of God. Ideas, desires, feelings, attitudes, purposes or any other excuse that man may devise will not affect the operation of either of these laws. “Blessed are they that DO HIS COMMANDMENTS that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city” (Rev. 22:14).
Every person that has come to the Lord Jesus and has experienced the cleansing power of His Blood knows what “the joy of the Lord” is. Our hearts rejoice when we are made partakers of His gift of salvation. The Spirit of God, with His presence, brings “joy unspeakable and full of glory” into the heart of everyone that surrenders to Him. O the joy that fills the soul of every individual whose sins have been forgiven. O how blessed and joyful is the state of the soul that has touched Jesus Christ in faith. “He touched me, O He touched me, and O THE JOY that floods my soul” is the song of praise that flows from the thankful lips of a heart whose sins have been washed away.
The Lord, in His manifold wisdom, made man with a void, a longing within himself that only His presence can fill and satisfy. Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can fill the emptiness of a thirsty soul. Nothing is so complete, so satisfying, so sweet as the presence of the Living God. “In thy presence is FULNESS of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Psalm 16:11). “O TASTE and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8).
God designed and created the world with the purpose of having a family of beings who would be like Him. This world is the workshop where He is creating divine character within His saints.
Every disciple of Jesus Christ walks in two realms: the world and the kingdom of God. These are completely different and oppose each other as light and darkness do. It’s a fact that each born again Christian has been translated into the kingdom of God (Col. 1:13). To translate, as Thayer defines it, means “to transpose, transfer, remove from one place to another.” At the time of conversion the repentant sinner is removed from the power of darkness to the everlasting kingdom of our Lord Jesus. This is a supernatural work of the Spirit of God.
The first realm is a completely material kingdom. It is known as “this present evil world.” The second realm is spiritual, but real. “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20). The kingdom of God has been established in the hearts of His people. It cannot be seen with the natural eye, but it can be experienced in our hearts. As he is in the world, the child of God is subject to affliction, pain, sorrow and the miseries of this corrupt world. As he walks in the kingdom of God, the believer has “righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Rom. 14:17).
According to the words of our Master, His disciples are in the world, but they are not part of it (John 17:15,16). In other words, it is possible to walk above the world and not to be subject to its vagaries. The Lord Jesus told His disciples: “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). There is a way to overcome the miseries of this world and have His presence and joy at all times. Our Lord was “a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief” (Isa. 53:3), but “for the JOY that was set before Him endured the cross” (Heb. 12:2). A life of complete commitment to the Father is the only way to have a victorious life in this world.
It is also true that the Lord, through the mighty work of the Cross, has given us wonderful promises that apply to our lives RIGHT NOW. God has provided a means for His people to live a godly life of complete victory above sin, and continually have the joy of the Lord. It behooves us to meet the conditions and take hold of His promises and live a joyful and fruitful life for Him. Then we will be His true and faithful witnesses. The world will know, through our testimony, that God’s way is a joyful way, and that “it is glory just to walk with Him.”
True Joy is exclusively found in God. Neither pleasures of life nor riches can produce it. Life without Jesus is nothing but emptiness. Worldly pleasures and material possessions are transitory; His joy is everlasting. It was given to remain in us (John 15:11). It doesn’t fade away before difficult situations. It is the source of divine strength when persecutions, tribulations and trials hit our lives. It relieves pains and sorrows. It is possible to have it in the very midst of turmoil. Imprisonment and scourgings were not an impediment for Paul and Silas to sing praises to God (Acts 16:19-26). History has recorded the lives of thousands of martyrs who have faced death, torture and brutality for the kingdom’s sake. The arena, the stake and the dungeon have heard the songs of praise of many of these martyrs. They “endured, as seeing Him who is invisible” (Heb. 11:27) because the joy of the Lord strengthened their hearts to give their lives as a testimony for the glory of the Living God.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, JOY” (Gal. 5:22). Besides being a gift from God, joy is also a fruit of the Spirit. As a fruit it can grow and mature. As a gift we cannot produce it in ourselves because it comes from God and it’s wonderful to partake of “the joy of thy salvation.” We’re not to lose it, but to remember with joy and thanksgiving the day when the mighty hand of God brought us out from the prison of bondage and sin.
Our Lord Jesus told His disciples: “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear MUCH FRUIT; so shall ye be my disciples” (John 15:8). The same words apply to us today. Here, then, is found a condition of true discipleship. Fruit bearing, growth, development is one of the most vital teachings taught throughout the Bible. It takes time and effort to increase any of the fruits of the Spirit. It takes a combined work of the Word of God, His Holy Spirit and the cooperation of the individual to bear fruits of righteousness.
“that ye might be FILLED with ALL THE FULNESS of God” (Eph. 3:19). These words addressed to the Ephesian Church and still applicable to the people of God today show the possibility of coming “unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13). The book of Acts says that “the disciples were FILLED with JOY and with the Holy Ghost” (Acts 13:52). Through the mighty work of the atonement the Lord God provided a way to have His plenitude and to enjoy to the utmost the riches of His kingdom. Through the shedding of His precious Blood the Lord Jesus made a way to have “the fulness of Him that filleth all in all.”
Paul wrote about the Christian warfare. The Scriptures teach very plainly that every genuine believer is in a constant warfare. There are evil forces that try to destroy the people of God and to separate them from the love of God. Even though our warfare is real, “we do not war after the flesh” because “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:12).
As “a good soldier of Jesus Christ” the believer is commanded to “put on the whole armour of God” (Eph. 6:11). “The helmet of salvation” (v. 17) is part of this armor. Our salvation or deliverance is accompanied with the joy of the Lord. We gather, then, that this joy is part of the helmet and, consequently, part of the whole armor of God. The helmet is a defensive weapon that surrounds and protects the head.
Condemnation, depression and oppression are not found in the kingdom of God. A faithful soldier of Jesus Christ should not be tormented by these evil forces. Let’s praise God “which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 15:57). The enemy cannot stand the presence of a joyful saint clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ and with the sincere praise of God on his or her lips.
Many times we allow situations in our lives or in our environment to rob us of the presence of God and of His peace and joy. When the believer loses the joy of the Lord then his Christian walk becomes dried and lifeless. This is a sad condition and a very poor testimony, because we’re to “serve the Lord with gladness” (Psalm 100:2).
As never before, we need the joy of the Lord in our hearts. Let’s keep in mind that we are living in the last days. This is a time of judgment, upheaval and destruction. The Lord of hosts has determined that there will be a consumption upon the whole earth (Isa. 28:23). Justice demands the intervention of the Living God to stop the corruption, violence and chaos that man has brought upon himself. The joy of the Lord will sustain His children in these last days. As this sinful world collapses in sorrow and anguish the people of God will have His joy as an inner force to endure to the end.
Satan “knoweth that he hath but a short time” (Rev. 12:12). He is very angry against the work of God and His saints. He’s using every possible means to discourage His people. He hurls his furious attacks against those who have been washed in the precious Blood of the Lamb. A joyful song of worship or thanksgiving is a mighty weapon to put to flight the enemy when he comes in like a flood. The Lord has always fought on behalf of His chosen. The battle is not ours, but His. In this end time, when the rulers of darkness will be loosed, the saints of the Most High will joyfully remain faithful and unmovable in the work of the Lord.
“Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum”: The joy of the Lord is a gift from God, a fruit of the Spirit and a valuable part of the whole armor of the Christian soldier. This knowledge places a tremendous responsibility upon us. As a gift and fruit it is to be kept and increased. As a weapon we’re to use it in our spiritual warfare. The Christian walk would be more satisfying if we served the Lord with gladness.
Now, let’s consider an event of great importance in the calendar of the Living God. “Let us BE GLAD and REJOICE, and give honour to Him: for THE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB is come and His wife hath made herself ready” (Rev. 19:7). This verse should thrill our souls. Our Lord Jesus is THE Lamb of God and His wife is His Body or His People or His Church. The word “marriage” speaks to us of the intimate and everlasting union of Christ and His Bride.
Today, the Body of Jesus Christ is divided into thousands of pieces; creeds and doctrines have been used to separate His people. God’s family is to be ONE in spirit and in truth. The Lord is working among His people to bring this unity into perfection. Before our Lord Jesus returns, God will unite and gather together His divine family. The Word of God states that there will be a unity and gathering together of His people.
A wedding is a time of rejoicing for the bride, the bridegroom and their relatives and friends. Christians should look forward to the marriage of the Lamb with great joy and anticipation. Besides this future event, many of God’s promises for His people are going to be fulfilled in these last days. Our hearts are to be filled with joy unspeakable and full of glory. We’re to be encouraged in the Lord, because we are living in “the times of restitution of all things.” It is time to rejoice with exceeding great joy for “the glory which shall be revealed in us.”
Recently I received an email with a short article written by John Hendryx entitled, "You Always Resist the Holy Spirit." Because of copywrite laws, I cannot print the article in this publication, but for those who might desire to read the complete article, it can be found here: God warns us of those who would wrest the scriptures to their own destruction, and to me, this article leans heavily in that direction. I am not desiring to condemn the author in any way nor is this a personal vendetta, but because it so troubled me that God and the Holy Spirit could be so dishonored by the things written in this article, I felt it necessary to warn our readers of this type of distorted reasoning. This is just one of many teachings which lead many astray. For this reason, let’s consider some of the remarks made, the reflection it places upon the character of God, and the blindness in forcing scripture to agree with preconceived ideas and doctrines. Paul warned believers to beware of those who would twist and distort the word of God and especially in the last days.
The author addresses the doctrine of “Irresistible Grace” and refers to the verse found in Acts 7:51, which reads, “Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you do always resist the Holy Ghost. As your fathers did, so do ye." This verse clearly shows that men can resist God, thereby refuting the doctrine of “Irresistible Grace.” This doctrine of “Irresistible Grace” teaches that man cannot resist God’s grace when it comes to him. God determines to save this person and therefore, man cannot turn down God’s invitation. But as clearly expressed by Stephen, only moments before he was stoned, man can and do resist the Holy Spirit. So, how does one twist this scripture to make it say something it does not say?
First of all, the author claims this scripture states the exact opposite of what is stated above, therefore claiming that men cannot resist the Holy Spirit. How does he come to this conclusion? He states, first, the obvious, these people did resist the Holy Spirit but says the reason is contained in the first part of the verse, “ye uncircumcised in heart and ears”. He then states that because they were “uncircumcised” in heart, they were not regenerated and therefore could not do anything but resist the Holy Spirit. He further states that, “People always resist the outward call of the gospel. ALWAYS, until God opens their eyes, ears and heart to the gospel. That is called the circumcision of heart, the new birth or regeneration.” It is true that one’s regeneration takes place when a person is born again. However, before he is born again, he must first believe in his heart. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Rom. 10:9). The believing takes place before one is saved. It is possible at this time, when the Holy Spirit moves upon one’s heart, to resist Him and reject the offer of salvation. Millions have done this.
Consider carefully another statement made in the article: “The Bible declares that He may convict the unregenerate of certain sin and do many things short of regenerating grace.” What kind of God would convict a sinner and “do many things short of regenerating grace” when the sinner has absolutely no hope of finding salvation? Why would the Holy Spirit waste His time and effort on one destined to reject the offer of salvation? Jesus said very clearly that if He were lifted up from the earth, He would draw all men unto Himself (John 12:32). Jesus then draws all men to Himself because He would that none should perish, because He so loved the world (mankind) that He sacrificed Himself for them so that they could be saved from eternal death, and He desires that the all might be with Him in the glories of heaven. The Holy Spirit moves upon men’s hearts to convict them of their sins and to show them their utter hopelessness, in order to draw them to the saving power of the cross. Men chose to respond to that move of the Holy Spirit or to reject it. God does not make this decision for them.
This article I refer to dishonors God and makes the work of the Holy Spirit foolishness. It also twists the scripture to say the exact opposite of what it actually says. This is just one example among many of how God’s word is watered down, made discriminatory, and neutered by wresting the scriptures. It debases salvation, disgraces the Gospel and deceives multitudes by perverting the Word of God and making God a god of hate rather than the God of love. Let us read the word of God carefully and ask Him to lead us into truth so we will see and discern when false teaching comes, and not be snared by its deception.
Addictions are classified as a disease by medical authorities, but God's Word does not support that diagnosis. Paul informed us in I Corinthians 6:10 that drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God. He gives us a list of “works of the flesh” that those who practice them continually (a life controlling problem), will not inherit the kingdom of God. The only reason God permits anyone to go to hell is because of their sin. These listed are fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate, abusers of themselves with mankind, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, extortioners, and in Galatians 5:19 there are more (please read). So, apparently God considers drunkenness to be a sin, not a disease. He considers all addictions sin. We all know that many of these addictions (which are sinful) will eventually destroy the temple of God, which is our body. (Special note: Not all people are the temple of the Holy Spirit for only those who are saved and been washed in the blood of Christ have the Holy Spirit abiding within. Yet, God created all men to be a habitation of God. The fact is that any person who will come to Christ in true repentance will have the Holy Spirit come into his heart and dwell there. From this perspective then, all men have been created to be a temple for God and this is God’s loving desire.) I Cor. 3:16, 17 and 18: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. Let no man deceive himself…” Also, I Cor. 6:19 and 20 – “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.” The word of God can and will renew and cleanse you. It will renew your spirit, soul, and body. Ephesians 4:23,24: “And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” Ephesians 5:26: “That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word.”
There are definitely evil spirits that we are fighting. According to Ephesians 6:10-13, “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”
The manifestations of these addictions are called “Spirit(s) of Bondage.” This could be drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, television, video games, porn, cell phones, internet use, food, etc. Anything that controls us is an addiction and is a spirit of Bondage. What is the first thing you do in the morning? Read God's word, or do you have to check your e-mail on the internet or view Facebook first thing? I had to examine myself on this one.
So, God considers all these things sins, not a disease. For instance, if alcoholism is a disease, it is the only one on earth that is spread by advertising. In spite of the terrible destruction, grief, and loss, alcoholic drinks are advertised on the radio and television as a product that everyone should partake of. If alcoholism is a disease, why don't the authorities stamp out the virus that causes it?
Bondage is lack of freedom. Bondage is slavery and servitude. It is a condition of being under some power or influence which controls. If you have an addiction, you are under the Spirit of Bondage.
Also, regarding “Generational Curses,” Exodus 20:5 – “Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them. Nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.” Notice “of them that hate me.”
Yes, I do believe in generational curses; however, we do have a free will to say “No” to these curses. Ex. 34:6 and 7, read these verses. Then, when you go over to Ezekiel 18:18-32 (please read all), verse 18 and 19 says: “As for his father, because he cruelly oppressed, spoiled his brother by violence, and did that which is not good among his people, lo, even he shall die in his iniquity. Yet say ye Why? Doth not the son bear the iniquity of the father? When the son hath done that which is lawful and right and hath kept all my statutes, and hath done them, he shall surely live.” Verse 30 says, “Therefore I will judge you O house of Israel, every one According to his ways, saith the Lord God. Repent and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin.” My mother was an alcoholic; I chose not to go that way. We have the choice to do what is right. Even at the beginning in Genesis, Adam and Eve had a choice.
So, it is our choice; we can break this curse through the Blood of the Lamb, and through obeying and choosing to follow Jesus. We might have those generational curses, but we have the power to break them away from us and from our children through the blood of the Lamb. It does not have to be. We do not have to think that our children are automatically going to have these passed on to them. There is hope! JESUS TOOK THE CURSE ON THE CROSS FOR US!
I hear people who have addictions say: “If you are an addict you will always be an addict.” I hear this in our Teen Challenge Program on Thursday nights from people who have been taught by another program. We must tell them what the word of God says: John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” Also, John 8:36, “If the son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” Complete deliverance is possible through Jesus. This is what Jesus wants to do for the addict. It doesn't matter what your problem may be, Jesus is ready to set you free. The only thing we must be willing to do is give up the life of sin. Acknowledge that we are sinners, and ask for God's pardon. Then the spirit of bondage can be bound once and for all. Praise God! We must pray that these people realize that they DO NOT have to be an addict, that they can be set free by the blood of the Lamb.
Pray and ask Jesus if you have an addiction. Jesus can set you free!