People of The Living God


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May 2023







Alfred King

        The recent school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee, has stirred the simmering flames of two major news topics, topics of considerable attention and contention in modern America (gun control and LGBTQ debate). On March 27th a biological female, claiming to be “trans” violently entered a Christian elementary school shooting through a glass door and thereby gaining entrance into the school where she shot and killed three children and three adults. The rapid response of the police department is to be commended, for in less than three minutes after entering the school, they found the shooter and ended her killing spree by their professionalism. The shooter, twenty eight year old Audrey Hale, knew her life would end that day, for she had texted a friend while sitting in the school parking lot preparing her entrance into the school.

        Of course those who are anti-gun immediately began calling for stricter gun control while others are concerned about how the LGBTQ crowd are becoming more and more aggressive and even violent. The LGBTQ movement is endeavoring to force everyone to accept their perverted lifestyle. Tennessee had the previous week passed a law barring drag shows in any venue where minors are present, whether that be in libraries, on public streets or on private property where children might happen to pass by. Some are concerned that this school shooting will be the beginning of attacks on Christian churches, schools, and other Christian facilities by those in the LGBTQ community. Whether that is the case is yet to be seen but as with so many shootings of this nature, it puts the idea in the minds of those who hate and those who are copycats. It appears that it takes very little for people in the twenty-first century to go out and do the unimaginable.

        While not all the facts have been released at the time of this writing, it has been revealed that Audrey Hale had some psychological issues and this seems to be where the focus is going to rest. There is no question but that some people do have mental disorders which cause them to behave in improper ways and can be dangerous to themselves and others. What is troubling is that psychological problems seem to be becoming more and more common and are blamed for so many of the catastrophes that America has experienced in the last twenty-five or thirty years.

        Actually, there is something more sinister going on which most politicians, psychologists and psychiatrists are missing, and that is the influence of evil spirits. America’s rejection of God has opened the doors for evil to increase and as evil increases, evil spirits are allowed to influence and cause evils beyond what are normal mental disorders. Without an understanding of how evil spirits operate and what opens up one’s life to that influence, things will continually grow only worse. Evil spirits must be fought with spiritual weapons, weapons which God has provided. Yet, when a nation rejects God they reject the only solution to her problems.

        Scripture gives us some understanding and a perspective of some of the means by which evil spirits find entrance into a person’s life. In Matt. 12:43-45 Jesus teaches concerning evil spirits actually possessing a person. He stated, “When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.” (Take note of this last sentence: this happens because people are wicked.) In this case the man’s house was empty. What does that mean? It means that God had worked in this man’s life, cleaning it up, but he had not the Holy Spirit abiding within, thereby making it empty. This still leaves us with a question. How did the first evil spirit inhabit this man’s body? In response to this question, let’s refer to a couple of men in scripture; Legion and King Saul.

        The account of Legion is found in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 9, verses 1-19 and in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 8, verses 26-39. This man lived in a cemetery, cutting himself with knives, and was unable to be corralled because he had many spirits residing within and those evil spirits empowered him with extreme strength. While Mark and Luke relay to us the account of this man and how Jesus cast out a legion of evil spirits, yet they do not tell us how the spirits gained such control over him. It leaves us to mere speculation. Scripture, however, does give us some plausible answers.

        King Saul is one very good example of how a person can come to be influenced and then possessed. King Saul started out well but he came to the place where scripture says, “… the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him” (I Sam. 16:14). Considering briefly some of the events in Saul’s life before the evil spirit came upon him, we find that God chose Saul to be Israel’s very first king. Up to this point Israel had been governed by judges. The Israelites wanted a king to go out before them and fight their battles, and though this displeased the Lord, He consented to their demands and chose Saul to be king.

        In the beginning Saul was a very humble man and he followed the Lord, obeying God’s directions in governing Israel and dealing with Israel’s enemies as God instructed him. As time went by and through God’s leading Israel triumphed over many of their enemies under Saul’s reign. Yet with these victories, pride crept in and Saul began to think himself as the means of Israel’s successes.

        The real test for Saul was when God commanded him to go up against the Amalekites. He was told to destroy everything; men, women, children, and even the animals. Saul just could not let all the animals be killed so he spared the best of them and also spared Agag, king of the Amalekites. It is evident from the chapters before I Samuel 16 that Saul had become careless and begun to slip in his obedience to God’s order. It was because of Saul’s careless and gradual disobedience, which didn’t happen in one episode or overnight, that he opened his heart for an evil spirit to gain entrance and begin to trouble him. Saul gradually drifted far from God through disobedience, and that departure was vividly seen in his hatred toward David, whom he sought for several years to kill. Extreme hatred is one door, when opened, will allow evil spirits to gain control. It begins by influencing and encouraging the hatred (as well as other sins) that already exists, but it ends with possession. This is what took place in King Saul’s life. In light of this account of Saul, one must ask: What caused this young twenty-eight year old woman to be so filled with hate that she would go out and kill; especially innocent children? Was it all mental or was there something more?

        Coming back to Legion and to our topic, it seems fairly obvious that Legion had committed some grave sins in his early life, which over time opened himself up for evil spirits to enter. God was very gracious to this man and it is a testimony of God’s power, love, mercy, and grace toward him but also, it is written for our learning. God has provided the means by which evil spirits can be cast out and people delivered but only if we know God and recognize the real problem.

        As a person violates his conscience over and over, disregards instruction and forms a pattern of deliberate sin, refusing correction or admonition, he becomes more and more sinful. As his sin becomes greater and greater and the root of sin grows deeper and deeper, he in time, consciously or unconsciously opens a door and evil spirits gain control. This is why what is often termed “psychological” or “mental” is often the influence of evil spirits which are attempting to control the person. It is most unfortunate and truthfully inexcusable that the church has lost the power to cast out evil spirits when the need is present. Jesus, the Apostles, and the early church cast out evil spirits when they confronted them, and those bound were set free. Today we give medication and counseling and hope for the best. What an inferior method!

Why The Problem Will Become Worse

        Christians are one of the groups hated by the LBGTQ community. We are considered intolerant, homophobic, xenophobic, and haters of these people. It is true that there are many on the right and even some in Christian organizations which exhibit hatred. However, true Christians do not allow hatred of any kind to exist in their hearts. Jesus commands us to love our enemies, do good to them that hate us, and pray for those who despitefully use us and persecute us. True Christians live by Jesus’ words and as He loved sinners and reached out to them, He commands His followers to do the same.

        It was the love of God that has reached down for any man, woman or child that is saved. We recognize that we were sinners (and we still often fall short) to whom God’s love was extended to us delivering us from our sinful lives. We are cognizant of our fallen natures and know that only God can change that nature. We know it because He has changed us. There are many former prostitutes, murderers, thieves, liars, and those who have lived in debauchery and abominable sins who have been washed in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. God changed them and made them new and they will never go back to their once perverted lifestyle. There are many homosexuals and lesbians who have found deliverance from their sexual bondage through Christ, and you can find many of their testimonies online if one is interested.

        Genuine Christians do not hate anyone although we strongly oppose sin and desire for those in bondage to any sin to be freed. The problem with every sin, and that includes sexual sins of all types, is that God speaks against them. Sin separates us from God. God is holy, righteous, and totally pure. There is no taint of sin in Him nor can it be found in His heaven. God is also just. In order for His heaven to remain holy, He must judge sin. In order for God to accept sinners and forgive them, the issue must not only be addressed from His love but also His justice. Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:16 that God so loved the world that He did not desire that any should perish but that all would come to repentance and gain eternal life through Him. God created man in His own image and desired to have fellowship with men. However, when Adam sinned, that sin separated God and mankind. God still loved His creation and He showed His love by providing a sacrifice to atone for men’s transgressions. The fall of Adam did not cause God’s love to cease, nor did it cause God to hate men. In fact, it caused Him to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the price for men’s sins so that any who would believe in Jesus could be forgiven for every sin they ever committed. The sacrifice of His Son makes possible that fellowship with God can be regained and when a believer’s life ends, he will have gained eternal life and the privilege and honor to be eternally with God in heaven.

        Jesus’ sacrifice was not only sufficient for those sins we consider lesser sins but for all sins. Jesus died for homosexuals as well as those plagued with other sins. The message for the LGBTQ community is that God hates all sin but loves all sinners and He showed that love by paying the price for sin, thereby satisfying God’s justice. It is very simple: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).







Randall Walton

        The word revival has acquired a new meaning in the evangelical world: it is used to describe the annual (or semi-annual) membership drives which are aimed toward the conversion of sinners and unbelievers. It is not possible to revive someone who has never known the Lord. They may be resurrected from the dead (spiritually), but not revived.

        “To come or bring back to life or consciousness; resuscitate,” is the dictionary definition of “revive.” While it’s obvious that this can not be applied to an unbeliever or one who has never been saved, it is also obvious that the church is in desperate need of a real revival – not a membership crusade, but a “bringing back to life” of its present membership.

Revival – When?

        It doesn’t take much of a scholar to make a fair comparison of the early church and that which purports to be the church of God today. There is little, or no, likeness of this modern amalgamation of unharmonious elements of “Christianity” to that glorious church of the first century. Men of the cloth have succeeded in organizing Jesus Christ out of His role as the Head, and have learned that manipulation of the Spirit is better than the manifestation of the Spirit.

        The consequence of all this is substitution: the glory of the Lord has been replaced with emotional excitement; prophecy has given way to hot air; glossolalia has now become psycho-babble; healings are largely a show of farce. The genuine power of Almighty God is about as scarce as the proverbial “hen’s teeth.” Assemblies of worshippers range all the way from the deadness of a mausoleum to the pandemonium of a turbulent sports event. But revival is nowhere to be seen.

        Revival will only come on the heels of true repentance. And repentance is not cheap. (Perhaps this explains its unpopularity: it has no appeal to the natural man).

        Repentance means change: change of behavior, change of mind, change of purpose, change of lifestyle. And it is applicable to both saint and sinner.

        Revival waits for repentance; there can be no revival until genuine repentance is forthcoming. Astonishingly, one of the main elements of repentance for the church is its attitude toward the One it claims to adore, Jesus Christ the Lord!

        Peter declared emphatically: “God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.” Acts 2:36. Bumper stickers and T-shirts carry the same message, but few people really believe it. His Lordship has been postponed by the “church” to another, future age!

He Is Lord

        Lord is a tremendous title. It implies authority, power, jurisdiction, supremacy. Jesus is not to be Lord, He IS Lord! NOW! He questioned the people of His day with “why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” Luke 6:46. Calling Him Lord and ignoring His words and commands is totally incongruous. Only those who do the things which He ordered are eligible to call Him Lord: all others are disqualified.

        Calling Him Lord is a recognition of His right to rule and reign, not just in the future, but now. It is an admission of the applicability and viability of His commands in the present era. Those who do not recognize His right to rule, or to give orders and commands, have no right to call Him Lord. And this is where repentance comes in. This is one of the most important issues which faces the church today.

        Revival will not come to the church until the people return to their Lord in humble submission and obedience to the words, sayings and commands of the Head of the church. Then, and only then, will the church be qualified to call Him Lord. Then, and only then, will the church be ready for revival.

How To Repent

        As was stated previously, repentance means to change in every area of man’s existence. Such a change begins with a searching of the Scriptures for the words of Jesus, the Lord. A Red Letter Edition of the four gospels is a big help as His words really stand out. It is also advisable to make a list of all of His sayings which are direct or implied commands. (An example of implied commands are the Beatitudes)

        The next step requires practicing or obeying His commands, a process which is not easily mastered. One needs the help of the Holy Spirit and much prayer in order to accomplish this task. But it is not impossible. Jesus did not demand the impossible from anyone. He merely commanded us to obey His words as proof of our professed love for Him.

        “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”

        “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me:”

        “If a man love me, he will keep my words,”

        “He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings:”

        (John 14:15, 21, 23, 24.)

        “Commandments, words, and sayings.” They all refer to the same thing, and the obeying of them is evidence that we love Him and recognize His Lordship. God’s people must begin to pay attention to the words of the Master. Revival will not come until they do.

        The words of the Lord cut like a sharp knife through the thin veneer of mere religiosity. It takes guts (pardon the expression) to follow the commands of Jesus. “Love your enemies,” He commanded. “Bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you,” He ordered (Matt.5:44).

        Admittedly, this is difficult, but it is absolutely necessary. It is no more, nor less, than the way He did, and He expects, no, He commands us to do as He did. This is but one small example of the words, sayings, and/or commands of the Lord Jesus, the Supreme Commander.

        There are several dozen other commands which Jesus gave which are just as startling and soul-wrenching as the above, all of which are generally ignored by the majority of professing Christians. No wonder revival is being held back.

        From the teachings of Jesus we learn that not many people are expected to find and enter this “strait gate and narrow way” which leads to life everlasting, simply because they don’t love Him deeply enough to adhere to His strict set of standards. Every imaginable excuse is levied against the sayings of Jesus because men choose to live in rebellion to the King; yet they demand His salvation.

Revival Is Certain

        Fortunately, a remnant will be saved and will repent from their wickedness and be revived. James 5:7 tells us that God will send “the early and the latter rain” upon the precious (costly) fruit of the earth. The “fruit of the earth” will consist of those who have treasured the words of the Master by applying them to their daily lives. They will have met all the demands of true repentance and will be ready for the reviving rain when it falls.

        “He that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.” Jesus Christ, the Lord. (Matt.7:24).






Alda Scullin

        One who is knowledgeable does not expect to purchase a beautiful, perfectly cut diamond for the price of a variety store bauble. Some will sacrifice a great deal in order to own one of these jewels or some other material treasure of this world; yet some of these same people expect to sacrifice nothing in order to possess all of the precious treasures of the Kingdom of God. These spiritual, eternal treasures are of far greater value than anything the world has to offer.

        God’s word holds promises of blessings physical, material, spiritual and eternal, but it seems that most who love to read His marvelous promises do not expect to find a price tag attached to them, so they read right over the conditional phrases without even noticing them. They are well worth the cost, but they do have a price.

        The91st Psalm seems to be an outstanding favorite to many Bible readers, no doubt it is because of the many wonderful, comforting words of God in this one chapter alone. “He is my refuge and my fortress.” He will cover us with His wings so we need not fear terror by night, nor pestilence or destruction. Though a thousand fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand it shall not come nigh us. No evil shall befall or plague come nigh our dwelling. How marvelous! Our safety and health are assured! We know that “God is not a man that He should lie neither the son of man that He should repent. Hath He said and shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken and shall He not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19) Certainly His promises are true. He will do what He says He will do.

        Sadly, many do not realize that their relationship with God is contractual. The first verse of this awesome chapter describing God’s care for His people states to whom the words apply. “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” To such a one the following verses are applicable; to others they are not. Verses 9-11 strengthen this requirement. “Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge even the Most High, thy habitation, there shall no evil befall thee…for He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways.” Verse 14 adds “Because he hath set his love upon me, I will set him on high.”

        What does it mean to set one’s love on God? It means, for one thing, that we do not love the world nor the things of the world, because if we do, John wrote, “The love of the Father is not in us” (I John 2:15). Paul wrote, “Seek those things which are above…,” and “Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth!” (Col. 3:1,2) Jesus explained it succinctly and completely in Luke 10:27,28. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself. This do and thou shalt live.” A big order! But the implication is that if you do not do it, you will not live!

        Of course, there are many other conditional statements throughout the Bible that apply to our covenant relationship with our Lord and Savior. In His sermon on the mount, Jesus gave a complete formula for reaching that state of perfection (maturity) that He mentioned in Matt. 5:48 – Actually it was a commandment – “Be ye perfect”; only one of many orders or conditional statements that He made. The reason for His mandates is to help us crucify that part of our nature that is contrary to Him, His ways and His thoughts (Isa.55:8).

        There is no one who is overwhelmed with the desire to put to death his own ways, desires, and thoughts so, with relief men eagerly accept the easier, lawless way, believing that a loving merciful God will be satisfied with only a token commitment. Too late they will realize they missed the strait gate and narrow way. Jesus said, “Strive to enter in at the strait gate” (Luke 13:24). One need not STRIVE to enter the broad way.

        The only absolute proof that a person truly loves God is that he cherishes and abides by the words of Jesus (John 14:21, 23,24). On the day of judgment it will be the only criterion accepted (John 12:48). It is the standard by which we must measure ourselves. Never forget Jesus’ answer to those who claimed to be worthy because they had eaten and drunk in His presence, and He had taught in their streets (Luke 13:26). “Lord,” they cried, “We prophesied in thy name, cast out devils, and did many wonderful works in thy name!” (Matt. 7:22) In each case His answer was, “Depart from me ye that work iniquity,” which is lawlessness.

        Today is still the day of salvation. There is still time to prepare to be considered worthy of His blessings. God’s word is full of promises to those who fulfill the ‘ifs’ and ‘becauses’. There are curses for those who do not (Deut. 11:26-28). Which will you have? The choice is yours!






From the pen of

Mrs. Mary C. Woodard

        Our tendency is to take of our lives what we want and give what is left to God, and all the while Jesus is saying, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matt. 16:24).

        Faith allows us to experience that which is already true. It enables us to take hold of the reality that already exists (Heb. 11:1).

        It is important that people know what we stand for. It is equally important that they know what we won’t stand for.

        Belief without repentance will result in a shallow experience, a building of one’s house upon the sand. Just as the soil must be prepared for planting, the heart must be prepared to receive the gospel. The fallow ground must be broken up. Repentance is an important first step in salvation. A sinner must have a repentant heart before he can receive a deep work of the Holy Spirit that results in salvation (Acts 2:38).

        Let us not be too quick to pronounce a sinner saved. “ their fruits ye shall know them” (Matt. 7:20).

        Truth should never be sacrificed for the sake of unity.

        It is easier to give place to the devil than it is to fight him. However, we cannot afford to give place to him. The price will be too high. God’s promises are to the overcomers.

        Living in the presence of Christ is far better than trying to find Him when we need Him.

        It is not so much what we do and say, but what we are, that influences others. We are living epistles, “known and read of all men” (II Cor. 3:2).

        Will anyone be in heaven because of what we are? Will anyone be in hell for the same reason?

        Regardless of the gifts one has, we can turn people off to the gospel message with a lack of the fruits.

        To become an effective “house of prayer,” the church must again become a “house of purity.” We must be vessels sanctified and meet (prepared) for the Master’s use (II Tim. 2:21). Pure thoughts, pure words, pure motives, pure actions, a heart void of offense toward God and man - These constitute purity.

        One of our greatest temptations is to treat symptoms rather than get at causes.

        When we are willing to pay the price as intercessors, we will then become mediators.

        Would I be suffering persecution for Christ's sake if I were living in a communist country?

        When we “walk in the light, as he is in the light,” we will have fellowship one with another. We do not have to seek after it. It is a “side effect” or “bonus” which we enjoy as a result of fellowship with Him.

        A famous entertainer says he has success, fame, fortune, and everything money can buy (including five homes), but, he says, “I’m not satisfied with anything.” Only Jesus can satisfy your soul.

        A person cannot be carnally-minded and spiritually-minded at the same time. Nor can a church be socially-minded and spiritually-minded at the same time.

        The closer we get to God, the more we will be conscious of the things in our lives that need to be changed.

        We often find there is more talk about prayer and more study of prayer than there is actual praying. God will give us a burden to pray if we will only yield to it. Then, and only then, will our prayers be truly effective. Praying words will avail little. There must be a burden from the Lord, a spirit of intercession, and an unction of the Holy Spirit that joins with our spirit. Then we will see results.

        Conformity to the world robs one of many things, one of them being peace. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee” (Isaiah 26:3).

        A real child of God is an enemy of the world, and both of them will recognize this fact.

        At the greatest crisis in your life, if you will look to Jesus He will envelop you with His peace. “...let the peace of God rule in your hearts…” (Col. 3:15).

        There are many substitutes for the power of God, and Christianity has fallen prey to many of them. Jesus told the Pharisees, “Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God” (Matt. 22:29). Let us beware of substitutes.

        Humanism and philosophy say “love yourself” and “have a good self-image.” We, like Job, should abhor ourselves and repent in dust and ashes and, like Isaiah, say, “Woe is me! for I am undone…” “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time” (I Peter 5:6).

        Earthly ties are strong, but doing the will of God must be stronger. Is there anything or anyone standing between you and the will of God?

        Have you learned to “abide in Him”? If so, there will be constant communion, sweet communion, abiding communion. It matters not where you are or what you are doing. If you are abiding in Him and there is a union of your spirit with His Spirit, there will be sweet fellowship twenty-four hours a day.

        You, and you alone, determine how close you will be to Jesus. “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you” (James 4:8).

        It is grievous to see so many living as if all there is to life is working, eating, sleeping, and recreation. Of course, these things are needful, but they are not the purpose of our being here. We were created to bring glory and praise to our Father. In order to do this, we must be properly related to Him through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.






C.F. Woodard

        God-given faith is a reward for obedience. The more one obeys the will and Word of God, the greater will be the faith. Faith is the gift of God.

        “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: for it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8).

        Jesus is the source of our faith, and He is the One who brings our faith into maturity: “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 12:2).

        Notice, faith plus obedience made Noah “heir of righteousness.” Righteousness, or right standing with God, comes by both faith and obedience. These are two sides of one coin. A person cannot have saving faith without obedience; neither can we be obedient without faith.

        The entire 11th chapter of Hebrews teaches this dual truth: “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went” (Heb. 11:8).

        The two-fold doctrine is important because many call themselves Christians and seek to please God without faith and obedience to Him and His Word: “But without faith it is impossible to please Him (God): for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” (Heb. 11:6).

        God rewards obedience with God-given faith. If you would have more faith, read God’s word and obey!

        The promises of God and His Word are to the diligent: “That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Heb. 6:12).

        Who are the “slothful”? These are professing Christians who do not show forth faith and patient obedience to God and His Word.

        Some would seek to build their faith by seeing miracles and signs and wonders. No, healing and deliverance from affliction will not build faith unless it is a genuine move of God.

        “Now faith is the substance (Gk. confidence) of things hoped (promised) for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1).

        The error of accepting material blessings or trying to build faith on visible proof is the errant of Christianity today!

        It is through faith and patience (Heb. 6:12 above) that we inherit the promise of God: “For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise” (Heb. 10:36). Yes, here is the Divine Plan for the promise of faith. In patience do the will of God, obey His Spirit and His Word.

        Excitement, melodramatics, sensationalism, thrills, hand-clapping, foot-stomping and fleshy agitation is not a proof of faith. Christians often mimic the rock-and-roll crowd.

        Let the world see the quiet worship of God’s people as they bow in His presence. We are saved by faith and by faith we stand: “…for by faith ye stand” (II Cor. 1:24).

        Obedience is proof of our faith: “For to this end also did I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether ye be obedient in all things.”







        Does satan get permission from God to bring things against us today?



        Dear M.A.

        As I understand this topic and your question: Because God is sovereign, Satan can only do what God allows. However, God has, in His sovereignty, allowed Satan a certain realm or sphere in which he can operate. That realm might even contract or expand depending on how people respond to sin. It is sin that gave Satan any power at all and that began in the Garden with Adam.

        It appears that the contracting or expanding of Satan's power and the realm in which his power is active is dependent upon people. I think we see this with Israel. When Israel obeyed God's law Satan's power was more confined and limited. However, when they began to serve idols and forsook God's laws, Satan gained power and expanded his realm of activity. It can also be seen in one’s personal life. If a person, even though unsaved, lives a moral life, Satan has little power over him. But as one gives himself over to sin, Satan gains more and more control over him.

        We see Satan working today in ways we have not seen in the past 70 years that I've been around. This I believe is: 1) He is gaining ground in the church because of its departure from the Biblical foundation. This fact gives Satan’s realm an opportunity to expand, which then: 2) Allows sin to increase in society in general. Not only do we see his destructive power at work and increasing but we see his realm expanding in ways we never thought would happen. The whole world has come under his influence and power and therefore sin has become so prevalent that there is no place clean. Isaiah 28:8 speaks of this: “For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean.” Isaiah speaks not only in reference to the church but to society in general. America has produced so much garbage, and it permeates almost every aspect of our existence. Filth is in our entertainment, our government, our schools, our marriages, our children, and even in our churches. It is difficult to find any place clean where people desire holiness and righteousness anymore.

        Scripture teaches that Jesus bound Satan when He died and rose again. Since that time he operates in a more limited manner and in a more confined space, only in that which God has allowed him to function. As wonderful as this is, men reject God and His love offered through Jesus Christ, and over time the situation becomes as it was with Jerusalem, "your house is left unto you desolate" (Matt. 23:38). This is where we are heading if God doesn't bring revival. I do believe God will bring another revival and it will be a big revival but it will also be the last revival. There is a wonderful truth here which reveals the love, grace and mercy of God.

        To put it in the vernacular; God will come forth in a ‘last ditch effort’ to reach men with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, much like He did on the day of Pentecost but even to a greater degree. With that outpouring thousands were saved. Yet, even as wonderful as that outpouring of the Holy Spirit was, most rejected the move of God. They hated the Apostles and disciples and those who preached the Gospel and who operated in the power of the Holy Spirit.

        Jesus said in reference to our day, “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24:14), I believe it will be preached with the power and glory of this latter outpouring, but once it is rejected by the multitudes, the world will be left desolate and the pit will be opened.

        There is coming a time according to Revelation 9 that the pit will be opened and there will come out smoke and locust with the sting of a scorpion. It is at this time that the men will come to the place where they are so sinful that they will desire to wallow in sin and will give themselves over to sin more and more until they are the ones who will invite demonic spirits to operate through them and this will open the pit. (Of course this is allowed by God because He gives them over to a reprobate mind to go deeper and deeper into sin.) It appears to me that this will be the means by which Satan is loosed. These are my thoughts on the issue. God allows this because men want it.
The Editor







Shalom Brother,

Kindly there is this issue of going up to heaven when Jesus comes. One of the speakers in that meeting mention and it become an big issue for discussion. Is it that heaven will come down for the saint as stated in Revelation 21? Or what will happened? Will this earth made and cleaned for the saved to live on it.

Secondly those who never died like Enoch and Elijah, where are they? Are they in heaven? Some in the book of John says no one has ever been in heaven except the one came from heaven and that is Jesus alone.



Our Reply

        Dear Brother J.N.N.,

        As always, it is good to hear from you and to hear how God is blessing the church there and the ministry in which God is leading you. I pray God will lead you ever deeper into His truths and keep you from falling victim to false teachings. There are many doctrines in the Christian world today that are spurious and are of no profit in one’s walk with God. I have always held the opinion that every false teaching has some danger connected with it, or I might say, contains elements which can hinder further truth or cripple us somewhat in our walk with God. Then there are doctrines that are very dangerous and are designed by our universal enemy to take us down the wrong path.

        For instance: The teaching of where Enoch and Elijah are today is probably not critically important although it is an interesting topic. Whatever we believe about that probably has little effect upon us one way or the other. On the other hand, the doctrine of the deity of Jesus Christ is essential to one’s salvation and is very important, for it has eternal consequences. Therefore, when we study into any doctrine we must determine how important the teaching is relative to one’s salvation and the continuance of his walk with God. There is no salvation except through Jesus Christ and if we do not believe in His deity then we make Him merely a man. This to me is a very serious false doctrine and can have fatal consequences. So we see that doctrines vary in importance.

        That said, let me address your second question first and then the question about the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven.

        Your question is where Enoch and Elijah are today and the topic of heaven: You referred to Jesus’ words where He stated that no man has been in heaven but he that came down from heaven – referring to Jesus.

        First we must understand the word ‘heaven,’ for it can refer to several things or places. For instance: sometimes ‘heaven’ is speaking of space: the moon, sun, stars, planets, etc. Psalms 19 for instance reads, “The heavens declare the glory of God …” The Psalmist speaks of heaven as that which we observe every day and especially at night when the stars are bright and we see some of the planets in our galaxy.

        The Apostle Paul in II Cor. 12:2 states that he was caught up to the “third heaven.” This is an important verse in understanding more about the spiritual heavens, those outside of our known universe. If there is a “third heaven” as Paul claims then logic tells us that there must be a first and second heaven because you cannot have a third unless there is a first and second.

        I cannot tell you anything about the second heaven, but the way I understand this is that God the Father dwells in the first heaven, which is the heaven of heavens. Three times this statement is made in the Old Testament: 1 Kings 8:27 “But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded?” (See also II Chro. 2:6; 6:18). Notice that scripture states there is a “heaven of heavens”. This heaven is above other heavens (plural). This is why I tend to believe that this heaven is where God the Father resides and obviously Jesus is there sitting at the Father’s right hand.

        But how does this affect Enoch and Elijah? If you recall in scripture that when Jesus was hanging on the cross, there was a thief hanging beside him who requested that Jesus remember him when He (Jesus) came into His kingdom. Jesus replied, “This day shalt thou be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). Where is this paradise? Jesus did not ascend unto the Father the day He died because after He was risen, three days after He died, He told Mary not to touch Him for He had not ascended up as yet to the Father (John 20:17).

        What then do we conclude? Paradise was not where the Father dwells, for the Father dwells in the heaven of heavens, or the first heaven. Delving more deeply into scripture, we find a commonality in paradise, the third heaven, the New Jerusalem, and the Garden of Eden. Scripture states that “The” (singular) “Tree of life” is found in all four places. In Genesis 2:9 we find it in the Garden. In Rev. 22:2,14 we find it in the New Jerusalem. In Rev. 2:7 we find it in paradise. While it is not dogmatically stated that the tree of life is in the third heaven, we find that Paul was caught up into the third heaven which he also calls paradise (II Cor. 12:4). With these facts we conclude then that all four of these places are the same place. The only way this seems to be untrue is if there is more than one Tree of Life. Scripture always states it as “The” Tree of Life, not a tree.

        With this information, we may be able to understand not only where Enoch and Elijah are but also those who came forth from the graves when Jesus died (Matt. 27:51-53). When Jesus told the thief on the cross that he (the thief) would be with Jesus that day in paradise, He (Jesus) and the thief were both taken to paradise, and most probably the other saints which arose from their graves that same day. (This does not take away from what Jesus accomplished in His defeat of Satan, binding him and destroying his power.)

        It appears to me that when a believer passes away, his soul goes to paradise where he awaits judgment day. This gets into some deeper things relative to the state of the dead (of both the righteous and the unrighteous), the judgment, and even the coming down from heaven the New Jerusalem. All of these topics intertwine and each affects the others. At the same time it helps answer so many questions we may have relative to these things and it keeps us from following cunning devised fables.

        In conclusion: When believers die today, they go to paradise, also called the third heaven. It is also called the New Jerusalem and the Garden of Eden. The Tree of Life is there but is guarded by flaming swords, which protect it from being partaken of until after Judgment Day. It is after this the judgment that this mortal puts on immortality and this corruptible puts on incorruptibility and then they will be able to partake of The Tree of Life and live forever with the Lord.


        Addressing your first question:

        Kindly there is this issue of going up to heaven when Jesus comes. One of the speakers in that meeting mention and it become an big issue for discussion. Is it that heaven will come down for the saint as stated in Revelation 21? Or what will happened? Will this earth made and cleaned for the saved to live on it.

        There are many different opinions on this topic. Some believe the earth will be restored and saints will live here for 1000 years. This is called the doctrine of the Millennium. There are others who believe that this earth will be destroyed and Christians will inhabit a new earth, as described in Isaiah chapters 65 and 66. It is also mentioned in II Peter 3:13 and Revelation 21:1.

        I feel very limited in understanding the new heavens and the new earth, for there is very little written in the scriptures concerning what they are or how they will be occupied. I lean toward the idea that God, being a creative God, will always be creating and working throughout His eternity. We know so very little about heaven and even less about God and His creative abilities. The book of Revelation speaks of streets of gold and mansions and so forth but we truly understand little of those things for they are symbolic. The book of Revelation is written in dark speech and has more to do with spiritual and supernatural existence than physical. Since man is a physical being, he can only understand spiritual things as they are in some small and vague way related to this physical realm.

        We know what mansions or dwelling places are because we live in them. We can relate to streets and gold because we know what streets are and what gold is. Gold is symbolic of that which is divine and streets are where we walk or travel. We see divinity in the gold that was used in building the tabernacle of Moses and Solomon’s temple. In the Holy Place there was a certain amount of gold but in the Most Holy Place most everything was gold. The Holy of Holies was where God came down and communicated with Israel. It was a picture of heavenly things and gold was best to represent things divine and reveal in some very limited manner what heaven is. Where God dwells is divine and void of all impurity or anything that might defile. It is the Holy of Holies. It is divine.

        Likewise, streets of gold speaks of a place that is divine and free from anything that might be even slightly impure. This is where God’s people will dwell through eternity, a place where sin cannot enter.

        Jesus stated in John 14:3 that His people would be with Him and live where He dwells. That is not going to be on a physical earth someplace. His dwelling place is in heaven with the Father and it is there that God’s people will eventually dwell. He said that in His Father’s house are many mansions. So believers will spend eternity in the Father’s house (whatever that might mean). We understand very little about heaven or about that place which we will one day inherit as sons of God.

        Now let’s go back to your original question concerning the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven as a bride adorned for her husband.

        Let’s ask some questions here: Who is the bride of Christ? Is not the church the bride of Christ? Consider Ephesians 5:24-32 and II Cor. 11:2. Does the New Jerusalem refer to a place (city) where believers dwell? Revelation 21 states that the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven as the “Lamb’s wife” (Rev. 21:9). It comes as a “bride adorned for her husband.” The bride of Christ is His church.

        In the Old Testament, we find God referring to Israel and Judah as His wife. In Jeremiah 31:32 the prophet, speaking for God states, “I was an husband to you”. The best way men in this present earthly state can get a glimpse of this union with Christ and His church is the relationship between a husband and his wife. They two become one. Jesus prayed in John 17 that His people would become one with Him and the Father. That is something we can rejoice in but certainly cannot even come close to fully understanding. However, the marriage relationship is as close as we can get to it.

        This leads us back to the question addressed earlier in this letter. If we link this all together, we find that the New Jerusalem refers to God’s people and it appears to be those who have gone on before (through death) and are today in paradise. They will come with Jesus when He comes riding upon a white horse with the saints following Him on white horses and clothed in garments of white (Rev. 19:11-17). Those on the earth at that time are invited to the great supper of the Lamb. (That’s another topic for discussion and thought.)

        Brother, while these things are very interesting, encouraging and even exciting they get very involved. One’s foundation must not rest upon these things which are difficult to understand. People of the Living God has always taught and encouraged believers to build their foundation upon the plain words of Jesus Christ and the apostles. There are many plain statements in scripture which give us a clear and firm foundation upon which to build. The things contained in Daniel, Revelation, and other portions of scripture are difficult to understand because they are given in allegories and symbolic language. They are cloaked in mystery. But if we gain a good understanding of things which are easy to comprehend, then we can add to that foundation the mysteries of the kingdom of God and those of heaven and the last days.

        Let’s consider just a few plain statements in scripture that can help us build the right foundation.

        John 5:28-29: “Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.”

        Notice that this very plain statement reveals that “all” in the grave are resurrected, both good and bad. Yet we are told by many that there are two resurrections: the first one for the righteous and the second for the evil. Jesus says differently.

        John 6:40: “And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”

        From this verse in John, we find the good will be resurrected at the last day. Since the good and bad are raised at the same time according to John 5:28-29 referred to above, then everyone in the graves will be resurrected at the same time and that time is at the last day.

        I Thess. 4:13-17 is one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted portions of scripture. “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” The word “prevent” is part of the problem, for we don’t define “prevent” as it was in 1611 when the King James Bible was translated. The Greek word means “precede.” We are told by many that these verses teach a pre-tribulation rapture of the church. It is claimed that the church will be resurrected “first” and later the evil. However, this is not what these verses teach.

        Let’s take it line by line beginning with, “we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord.” First, Paul is writing to Christians in the church in Thessalonica. There were some there who apparently were concerned about some of their family that had died. Paul reassures them that they will be resurrected. He tells them that those who are alive when Jesus returns will not “precede” to heaven before those in the grave. Those in the graves will rise first and then all of them will be caught up together; all together in one group to meet the Lord in the air and so shall they ever be with the Lord. The unrighteous are not mentioned at all in these verses. This portion of scripture is in reference only to believers. However, we understand from John 5:28-29 that both the good and the bad will be resurrected at the same time so we know positively that the evil are resurrected at the same time. They are just not mentioned in I Thess. 4:13-17.

        These are just a few plain scriptures regarding end-time events, but there are many more. We have a small booklet that we send out entitled, “The Millennium” which goes into great detail about this subject and is a book that needs to be studied, for it contains a lot of good information and it teaches how to compare plain statements in scripture with those which are cloaked in mystery and are revealed in symbols, allegories, and shadows.

        Build your foundation upon the plain statements of scripture and once you have a good foundation, you can build upon that with those portions of scripture which are symbolic.

        I have written a very long letter and I know that the things written will bring many more questions to your mind. I cannot imagine how many questions might arise from this letter and I certainly don’t have all the answers. As I stated earlier, some doctrines are not important enough to be divided over or to squabble about. They can be encouraging to those who understand them but not essential for salvation. We all are being taught by the Holy Spirit as we study God’s word and pray for the Holy Spirit to open our understanding so we may be better prepared for the days which are ahead. May God bless you and give you understanding as you read this letter and contemplate the various points included therein.

        Always good to hear from you and to see how God is moving in your part of the world. Give my love and regards to the church members there.


        Your brother in Christ,

        Alfred King